Chapter Six

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Slowly, my eyes opened. I looked at the ceiling, and I knew I wasn’t home. Home doesn’t have ugly ceiling tiles.

“Oh, you’re awake! Welcome back, Rachel.” an unfamiliar voice said. I looked to my left to see a doctor standing beside where I was laying down.

“W-where am I?” I asked with complete confusion.

“You’re at the hospital. You fainted a couple of hours ago.”

Fainted. Oh yeah, that’s right, I just remembered that I blacked out.

“I’ll let you sit here for a little bit while I go get your sister. She’s been very anxious for you to wake up. My name is Doctor Francis if you need anything.”

“Oh okay, thank you.” I said.

The window was open so I looked outside to see where I was. All I saw were cars passing by on the near highway.

The door opened and standing in the doorway was Katy. Her eyes were red and puffy, you could tell she had been crying.

“Rachel!” she cried out as she ran to my bedside to hug me. “My little angel, you scared me so bad, are you alright? Do you want anything water? Food? A pony?”

“Whoah, whoah, calm down there, sister.” I said, “I don’t need anything right now, but thanks.”

She looked at me in my eyes while she put her hand on my face. I put my hand on hers and smiled. Katy smiled back at me and said, “I’m so sorry this happened to you. If I would have just been home, I would have been a protective big sister and taken you to the doctor and not have waited and-”

“Katy,” I interrupted, “you have nothing to be sorry for. Don’t beat yourself up, my body has been acting weird lately, so it could have happened at any time; with you being home or not.” I reassured her, “Speaking of who was home, where’s Shannon?”

“She had to leave for something, but she promised that she would come and visit you as soon as she could.”

“Oh.” I said.

It was silent after that until Doctor Francis walked into the room, closed the door, and sat down in the room with us.

“Hello, Ms. Hudson. Now, I came in here to talk with you girls about something, alright? Nothing big or anything. But first things first. Rachel, how are you feeling?”

“Alright, just a little confused and dizzy is all.” I said while scratching my head.

“Well that’s good. So, we ran some tests to find out what had caused you to faint, and the results came out to be a bit unusual.”

“Unusual how?” Katy said in a concerned voice.

“Well,” he began, “most acts of fainting are from lack of dehydration or food consumption, an intake of a chemical, and possibly a head injury. However, we found nothing of the source.”

“So, what does that mean?” I asked.

“Well, we actually don’t know, because we have never seen anything like this before, so we are going to have to take an MRI to see if something else in the body caused this.”

“When will she take the MRI?” Katy asked.

“I know you just woke up, but we’d like to take you in as soon as possible.” Dr. Francis asked.

I looked at Katy, and she looked at me with concerned eyes and nodded.

“I can go now.” I said.

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