Chapter Four

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I rudely awaken by the sun the next morning. I sighed. I forgot to close the blinds again. Normally, I am not one to forget things but I’ve been doing that a lot these past couple of days. No worries, it didn’t bother me because it was Saturday, which meant I wasn’t going to school. I slipped on my fuzzy boots, jumped into some leggings, and threw on my dance team jacket. Which reminded me that competition season for dance started soon. I really hope Katy could come. So far, she’s only made it to one of my competitions but had to leave early. As I was coming down the stairs, Kitty Purry, our cat, was waiting at the bottom, meowing as if the world was ending.

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll feed you your majesty.” I said to the cat, as if she could actually understand me.


I walked into the kitchen to find a note sitting on the corner of the table. It read:


Good morning Sleeping Beauty!

I have no idea what kind of food we have in the fridge. I think there might be some yogurt in there, you might have to check. Anywho, I am off to work and I’ll be back late tonight. Oh, by the way I am also sending Shannon over at about one o’clock to check up on you. I hope you have a great day, and don’t forget to feed the cats! I love you!


xoxo Katy


Wait, she’s sending Shannon to check up on me? Check up on me? Why on earth would she think I need someone to check up on me? I am sixteen years old, Katy’s best friend shouldn’t be coming to check on me. I grabbed my phone from the counter where I left it to charge and found Shannon’s contact. I pressed call and put the phone up to my ear. It was ringing…...ringing…….ringing…...ringing. It stopped ringing and there was a muffled sound.

“Oh, crap, hello?” I heard Shannon’s voice from the other side.

“Hey Shan!” I excitedly said. Shannon always makes me really happy when I hear her voice.

“Hey there Ray, how are you this morning?”

“I’m good. Listen Shan, Katy left a note here and said you were coming in to check on me, and you really don’t need to. I mean, I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure that I can be home alone and not burn the house down if I’m sixteen years old.”

“Says the girl who put a paper bag full of food in the oven.” she joked, “Anyhow, as much as I’d love for you to be the independant girl you’re growing to be, Katy insisted and I just said yes right away.”

“How long did she beg for?” I asked because I knew Katy doesn’t just “insist” things.

“Twenty-five minutes, but that doesn’t matter! I’m coming at one, whether you like it or not missy!”

“Yeah yeah yeah. I’ll see ya then, Shannon.”

“See ya then, little nugget.”

I heard the phone click off and I put it down. I giggled to myself. Little nugget. Hm, that’s a new one. Shannon was always giving me weird nicknames and I absolutely loved it.

I realized I had a major headache so I got some Tylenol from the cupboard that the Advil was in. No matter how much I wanted to sleep again, I didn’t want to take the Advil PM and all of a sudden just pass out on the floor. Who would answer the door to Shannon?


After I ate breakfast, I thought about what I was going to do today, since it was a Saturday. Well, competition season for dance starts in two weeks, so I might as well practice my solo routine. My solo is my most favorite dance I have ever done. It is a beautiful lyrical routine to Atlas by Coldplay. I am a huge Hunger Games fan and it was on the Hunger Games: Catching Fire soundtrack, so I asked my dance teacher to do a solo to that.

The Last Dance (Katy Perry Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz