Chapter Nine

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There wasn’t much that I could do with being on the chemo and all. Week after week the days got more and more boring. Katy went back to work and usually had Shannon to come and watch me. But, like every other adult in this world, Shannon also had to work. Normally, a sixteen year old teenage girl wouldn’t have to have anybody to look after her, but if you’re a sixteen year old teenage girl with cancer, it’s probably for the best. The only person that didn’t work, was Victoria. You see, Victoria is a friend of both Katy and I, there’s actually no possible way that you can’t get along with her, so we are both friends with her. She’s twenty-three years old and just finished college. Yes, she’s been looking for a job, I swear she’s not just some person who still lives in her parents basement because she’s too lazy to be an adult. Victoria isn’t like that. We met Victoria at a church event one time back in the day, and we’ve known her ever since. There was no way Katy was hiring some random person to look after me.


Anyhow, I liked having Victoria to watch after me. It always gave me someone to watch “Spongebob Squarepants” with. No matter how many hours we watch it, she will never complain once. Unlike Shannon. She says it “makes me dumb” but psh, what does she know?


Victoria and I were watching an episode where Spongebob and Patrick go camping. I was spread out onto the couch with my blanket half-off of my body, popcorn kernels all around me, and my cup which once held juice was sitting on it’s side on the floor. If you were to walk past me, you’d think I had a spasm and I was now just a zombie. A very lazy zombie.


“Hey Rach, would you like to do something today?” Victoria asked me while turning off the TV.

I slowly sat myself up and yawned. “Like what?” I asked.

“Well, we could go to the mall or-”

“No.” I quickly said, “I don’t want to go out.” I looked down at the blanket on my lap.

“C’mon, isn’t there anything you want to do? You haven’t gone out in days.” she said.

“That’s not true,” I replied, “because yesterday I went out to the mailbox to get the mail. Boom, your arguement is invalid.”

Victoria laughed. “Oh, that doesn’t count. C’mon, let’s really do something fun!”

“I’m not even sure if I can have fun doing anything anymore.” I said.

“Of course you can! We can go to a movie or something. Anything you want.”

After considering it, I really thought about if there was something I wanted to do.

“I haven’t been to the Boardwalk in a while.” I said.

“Ooh, that sounds fun. Want to go?” Victoria asked.

“Sure, why not. I could use the fresh air.” I said.

“Alright! Well, get yourself changed and we can go.” Victoria said happily.

I sluggishly walked myself upstairs into my room. Alright, I have to make myself look semi-decent. Looking through my closet, I found dresses and pretty tops that I always used to wear. But heck with it, I was lazy, so I settled for my red giraffe sweatshirt, some leggings, and my maroon Vans. Surprisingly enough, I still had hair, so I decided to braid it down the back. I grabbed my bag, and picked up my phone. I had a text message from Katy.



Hope you and Victoria are having fun. I miss you! Let’s do something fun tonight, okay? I’m thinking a movie night, how about you?”

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