Chapter Eight

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“I’m not so sure about this, Katy.” I said nervously. I was pacing the hospital room back and forth.

“It’ll be alright, I know you can do this.” Katy said while sitting on the bed

“I don’t know how to tell someone this!” I said, throwing my hands up.

It came to the point in time where I had to tell Eva that I had cancer. She called me around ten in the evening the day I found out, but I told her to visit me the next day and I would tell her. Well, the next day was today and she was on her way to the hospital.

“Just take things slow, don’t throw it at her right away. She’s your best friend, she’ll understand.”

“But what if she starts crying? Or screaming?” I gasped. “What if she won’t be my friend anymore?”

“Oh, okay now you’re over-reacting.” Katy said, making her “get it together” face.

“Yeah, youre right.” I said, “I just have to find a way to make it sound like it’s not as bad as it is. Hm, maybe something like this: Eva, I have cancer. But it’s okay, because it’s only stage three!”

“Ehhh, you might want to sugar coat it just a little more.” Katy said.

“Eva, I have a minor case of cancer?” I suggested.

“A little more.” she said.

“I have a slight showing of cancer?”

“Little more.”

“Katy, if I sugar coat it more than that, she’s going to get a cavity.” I said.

Just as Katy was about to suggest something else, Eva opened the door and said, “Holy crap this place is confusing. It took me three floors and two very attractive male nurses to help me find your room!”

“Hey, Eva!” Katy walked over and hugged her.

“Hiya, Kate!” Eva hugged her back, “Oh, and look, there she is! The beauty, the cat lover, the-” Eva paused for a second, “one who’s still in her hospital gown?” She tugged at the fabric of my gown. “Girl, I suspected they’d keep you fo a night, but they won’t let you take off that horrendous piece of clothing?”

I had no idea what to do. Do I say it now? Do I wait? I looked at Katy for guidance.

“Rachel!” Katy said, “You look thirsty, are you thirsty?”

“Well, no.” I replied, “Even if I was I could just ask Cindy to come in an-”

Katy raised her eyebrows with emphasis, to tell me that she could leave to “get water” and then I could tell Eva.

“Oh! Oh. Yes, yes Katy I am very thirsty. Do you mind getting me some water?”

“Of course not. Why don’t I just leave you two alone while I go get that water for you.”

Katy walked toward the door and briefly winked at me, then left, closing the door behind her.

Eva kept looking from me, to the door with one eyebrow raised.

“You guys are one weird family.” she said. “So anyways, what are we going to do today? Can we go say hi to all the old people in here? Wait, when do you leave, cause maybe then we can go rollerblading!”

I took a deep breath. It was time to tell her.

“Uh, Eva that’s kind of why I wanted you to come see me today.” I started.

“What do you mean? They’re keeping you in here for a couple more days?” she asked.

“Well, no.” I hesitated, but I caught myself. I can do this. “Eva, I am going to be in here for a really long time because…” I looked at her, and she was staring straight into my eyes. “...because I have cancer, Eva.”

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