Chapter Seven

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Katy and I were both crying hysterically. Holding onto each other for dear life. Leukemia. I had Leukemia. I couldn’t believe it. You think nothing bad could ever happen to you. There’s always that sense of security in your mind that says you’ll never get hurt or nothing bad will ever come to you. Did I have that sense? I have already suffered my parents being killed, and depression with suicidal thoughts since I was ten. Maybe, that sense goes away when the worst of the worst comes in to play. Anyhow, I didn’t matter. I had Leukemia.

Katy and I both tried to calm down in order to listen to what Dr. Francis had to tell us.

“We found the cancer at stage three. However, the cancer is unable for us to remove, so you will have to go on chemotherapy.”

I sniffed, with my eyes red and puffy. “What will happen when I am on it?” I asked.

“Well, you won’t be able to do much of anything.” he replied.

I remembered something as soon as he said that.

“Ugh!” I said as I buried my head into my hands.

“Rach? What is it? What’s wrong? Don’t you want to get better?” Katy asked.

There were tears in my eyes as I lifted my head up.

“Competition!” I said, “Competition starts in two weeks!” I was frustrated and angry. First I find out that I have cancer, then I have to go through chemo, and now I can’t dance. I didn’t want to start the therapy. All I wanted to to dance and be happy, because dancing is what I love to do.

Dr. Francis said very calmly, “I’m sorry Rachel, but you can’t dance. It’ll stimulate the cancer growth.”

“Then so be it!” I shouted.

“Rachel, please. Calm down.” Katy said.

“No, Katy! I don’t care if it makes the cancer grow!” My voice grew louder as I spoke, “Why does it matter if I dance? Everyone here in this room knows that I am going to die anyways!”

“Rachel!” Katy said, but she was too late because I was already out the door.


I ran as fast as I could, my bare feet pounding at the cold ground. I didn’t know where I was going. I was so angry that I didn’t care. I found an elevator and I pressed the down button. The elevator beeped and I got in. Catching my breath, I pressed the button for the lobby. The doors closed and down I went. I calmed myself down on the elevator ride to the lobby. After I got out, I decided to walk down to the Children’s Care part of the hospital. When I got there, the front desk lady briefly said hello and then went about her work. She probably thought I was another kid patient coming back from a test or something, since I had my hospital gown on. I found a playroom not too far from around the corner. There were all different kinds of kids in there. Some were in wheelchairs watching a movie, some had no hair and were playing with toys, and some were coloring while hooked up to oxygen masks. I opened the door and slowly walked in. Closing the door behind me, I took a step to the right, seeing all of the little children minding their own business. Suddenly, I felt a tug on my hospital gown. I looked down to find a little girl staring up at me, smiling with the biggest smile I had ever seen.

“Hi, you must be new here!” the little girl said, “What’s your name?”

I kneeled down to her height and smiled. “Hi there. My name is Rachel. What’s yours?” I said.

“Annabelle.” she said, “but I like to be called Belle.”

“Well, hi Belle. Are you having fun in here?” I asked.

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