Chapter Twelve

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Everything would have been great for the rest of the time until the charity recital, except for the fact that i was getting more and more sick by the day. Katy and I went to the doctor after I threw up more than usual during the night. I had another MRI taken and an X-Ray. Now really sure what the X-Ray was about but I was guessing it was just a precautionary. Dr. Francis said that I had tumor growth and that we’d have to double up on the chemotherapy antibiotics. Great. Just what I needed, more pills to swallow with my breakfast, lunch, and dinner. At least the chemo was doing it’s job, because my hair was falling out as well. Instead of having long, beautiful, brunette locks, I looked like a shaved Barbie doll. I knew that this had to be serious because Katy was missing a lot of work just to stay home and keep an eye on me. I was on the brink of having to stay in the hospital but I begged Dr. Francis to let me stay at home. He eventually said yes, but if I started to get bad, I had to come back to the hospital. It became exhausting to walk from one side of the house to the other, so I mostly just stayed in bed all day.


I was curled up in my bed covers, looking around in my room. The most entertaining thing that I saw all day, was a speck of dust making it’s way across the floor. Cancer really gives you a bad case of boredom.

My door creaked open. I sat up and slowly and Katy’s head popped in through the crack of the doorway.

“Hi.” I said.

“Hey sweetie.” She said fully coming in to my room with a plate of something. “I brought you a sandwich.”

“You mean you brought me my medicine with some sandwich on the side.” I said.

Katy chuckled, “You weirdo take your pills, and eat your sandwich.”

“Thanks but I’m not hungry.” I said. I knew I should eat something, because it would help with the chemo not to give me a stomach ache; but I was too tired to eat.

Katy set the plate down on my nightstand next to me, then sat on the edge of my bed.

“I’m guessing you won’t be able to perform in the recital, huh?” Katy asked me with a sigh.

“Are you kidding me? Of course I will. I’ll be up and running in no time.” I insisted.

“Rach, are you sure? I don’t think it’s a good idea. You’re really sick right now.” Katy said.

“Yeah, but the recital isn’t right now, is it?” I tried.

Katy didn’t laugh at my sarcasm, she was being serious.

“I just don’t want you to get hurt. You know, stimulate the tumor and make it grow faster.” Katy said while looking at the ground.

“Hey,” I said, lifting up her head with my hand, “I’ll be fine.” I said while smiling. “I promise you.”

Katy sighed while looking at me.

“What?” I asked.

“It’s just….” Katy stopped and began to tear up. I didn’t have much energy, but I crawled my way over to Katy.

“Katy what, what is it?” I asked.

“I just….don’t want to lose you.” she said, “I don’t know what I would do without you. How could I be happy without my little sister?” Katy sobbed.

“Katy! Aw no, Katy don’t worry! I promise I’ll be here for a long time. I gotta make sure I bug you enough.” I nudged her and smiled.

“You’re all I have left.” Her voice cracked as she said it. The tears running down her face.

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