A very Violent RP with @Rae_Imari

Start from the beginning

*Raises hand* *Sighs* -Nico

Oh come on! -Dakota


*raises both hands dropping book*-De'Rosa

*rubs neck and raises hand slowly*-Eli

*puts hand down* yeah. It's a lot-Elix

......*raises foot*-Xavier


HA! Elix doesn't think I'm a Idiot! -Dakota

But De'Rosa thinks it double, which makes up for Elix. -Blaze

Summary at least? -Nico


HA! *smirks*-De'Rosa

*puts hand down* How about we just call Dakota and Xavier the two idiots and move on with our lives?-Eli

Well. *sighs* Nan and I are pregnant. A big dinosaurs attacked the city. We found metal that burns supernaturals. There's this huh Zyon that came from David's past. A guy named germ at attacked Blaze. Umm...Tyler and Xavier are dating now and they got lost in the woods...um...Connie is missing...this guys boomer has haunted her...um..-Elix

-.- I am NOT an idiot-Xavier


... Wow. -Nico

Yeah we're not idiots. -Dakota

I agree with De'Rosa and Eli. -Blaze


Yeah...*looks down*-Elix

*You are. Admit it-De'Rosa

Not! We aren't idiots!-Xavier



Yeah! -Dakota

You kinda are. What's 100x20? -Blaze

Yeah... Wait. Your PREGANT?! -Nico


*smirks and raises eyebrow*-De'Rosa



Yess....is that a bad thing? *tilts head smiling a bit*-Elix


No! It's great it's just... -Nico


*Le cracking up.* -Blaze


....what? What is it?-Elix

Dakota..you have this question-Xavier

*snickers* Idiots-De'Rosa

*laughs more*-Eli


No you! -Dakota

*Is laughing harder.*-Blaze

It's just awesome! Also it's crazy to be back alive.... -Nico


...no...you *stares*-Xavier

*laughs and rolls around*-Eli

*starts laughing*-De'Rosa

Isn't it? I'm glad you're back!-Elix


CAn we google or use a calculator? -Dakota

*Laughs harder.* *Catches breath for a second.* No.* Then falls laughing again,* -Blaze

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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