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I push my dresser in front of my door and close my curtains. I move my creaky wooden bookshelf in front of the window. There is no way am I going with The Alpha King's Daughter, just to be taken to Australia. To hell with them all. I hear the front door open and close and the sound of heels coming up the staircase. Finally, I am greeted with three loud knocks. The Princess is here, well, shit. I run to my bed and push it in front of the door too. The Princess bangs harder on the door and the door begins to open slightly. If she comes in and I'm still in my pajamas she will probably take me there with out letting me get changed because of how much time I've been wasting trying to stop them from getting into my bedroom. My room has black walls with posters of bands and my carpet is blood red. My window is small and my chandelier is the only thing that spreads light around my room because I always have my curtains shut.

I go to my closet and ignore the Princess as she thumps on the door. I get my favorite plain white shirt and a black leather jacket. My black jeans go with my jacket and my black sneakers are the closest I can get, the other shoes I own are tucked away in the back of my closet. The Princess is still banging and has now started screaming through the door by the time I finish changing. I go to my bathroom that is white tiled and had white walls and another chandelier hanging fro the roof. My bathroom consists of a spa, a shower, a bath, a toilet and two sinks with cupboards and mirrors just above the sinks. I comb my straight hair and put up into a pony tail. I put on some mascara that I stole from a local store in my town and some lip gloss. I tie a red bow around my hair tie to finish off my look. I could die tomorrow and if I do, I want to look good, so I put another red ribbon and a hair tie in my pocket. I put my pocket knife in my jacket sleeve and some cheap makeup in a black bag along with other possessions. I move my bookshelf out of the way and open my window. I begin to climb out slowly when Princess Alia finally breaks into my room. I wink as I jump out of my window and make a run for it. I make it the the edge of my district with Princess Alia chasing me for the whole hour. If I can manage to stay away from Princess Alia for a whole week, the entries for 'The 2007 Games' close and I can't go in.

After running for a full hour and a half, I stop. Wolves have stamina, but I don't have that much. Princess Alia is nowhere to be seen when I turn around. I turn back to my escape direction and to my surprise Princess Alia AND Prince Daniel are standing there. Prince Daniel Wilton is her younger brother. Prince Daniel is by far the cutest guy I have ever seen. He has brown spiky hair that falls to his and green eyes. Nearly every werewolf girl has a major crush on him. He is 13 like me but just slightly taller than me, if I wear my heels I would probably be the same height as him. He is future Alpha of THE Royal Pack. Daniel is muscular and from what I hear, can't see it though. I've also heard that he is really funny and extremely protective over his pack and family.

Princess Alia is taller than Daniel by far but then again, she is 22, she survived the search and found her mate, Sebastian Clark. Seb is on a business trip in Florida and is coming back to Australia next year, it was all over the news. She has wavy blonde hair that flows to her waist. Her eyes are blue like mine and she has multiple boys at her feet, not that she's interested in any.

I, on the other hand, have black hair that is dead straight and reaches to the middle of my back. I never wear it down though, my hair is always up in a pony tail. Boys love me at school. I can't help it, I just have seriously amazing charm. I am future Beta of my fathers pack and my brother Joey Oil is the Alpha. I have Alpha blood in me but I wanted to be Beta so when I turn 18 and find my mate, I get to become the official Beta. My full name is Olive Penelope Oil, so when people say my name they say 'Olive Oil'. I hate my name but of course I have to live with it. My family is obciously rich and most of my family is REALLY snobby. I guess you could say I'm reckless and quirky too.

I turn around and whistle as I walk the other way. Daniel runs in front of me and grabs my arms. I try to move and jerk my arms out of his grip but every time I move his grip only gets tighter. Then Alia grabs my legs and I am swinging helplessly in the air. I wriggle and move. They drop me twice until they finally throw me inside a black fancy car. I groan as they handcuff me to the doors. They really want me in that bloody death arena don't they. All the wolves in the world have heard abut me because I am probably the worst behaved wolf in the entire community.

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