I don't love you anymore-30

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"OLIVE! WAKE UP! GET IN THIS DRESS IM HOLDING OUT TO YOU! LET ME DO YOUR HAIR AND YOUR MAKEUP!" Gabriella screams and I jump and roll out of bed. Hey! It's April Fools day today!

I grab the dress sleepily and put it on. I think it's light blue. I'm not really paying attention. I sit down on my bed and Gabriella puts my hair up and puts on my makeup. I would have been fine with it if IT DIDN'T TAKE TWO FUCKING HOURS!

I grumble as she hols a hand over my eyes and leads me carefully downstairs. She puts me in her car and she takes me to breakfast.

"Gabriella. Why are we here?" I ask her.

"So we don't get in their way" she giggles and I look at her weirdly. I order the nutella pancakes and a banana milkshake. Gabriella orders the same but instead of a banana milkshale she orders a blue heaven milkshake instead. We chat and we talk about everything that has happened in the past 2 years.

Then she drives me to the shopping centre. I open my purse and see four $100 dollar notes. How the hell did they get here? I go straight to the food court and get some donuts, some chicken wings and 2 more milkshakes. I spend 20 minutes eating them and I let out a burp before running into random stores. I get millions of shirts and shorts and I grab a couple of skirts and a dress or two. Then I go shoe shopping....

There are MILLLIONS of shoes around me. I jump up and down in excitement.

There are blue and green and sparkly and purple and glowing and yellow and millions of other brands and colourful shoes and sandals and boots and heels and THIS. IS. HEAVEN!!!!

When it becomes 4:00 Gabriella takes me to the movies. We watch The Fault In Our Stars. I sit there quietly while Gabriella bawls her eyes out.














We finally arrived back home and there are candles and no one is to be seen. There are sparkling lights and I see Daniel with flowers a few meters away. I turn around and the car and Gabriella have disapeared. I walk up to Daniel.

"What is all this?" I ask him.

He kisses me and ignores my question as he leads me to a table with a few blood bags laid out and a steak and some flowers and candles. I sit down where he directs me to and I look around.

"I just want you to know I love you Olive" he hold my hand across the table.

"I love you too" I smile. He begins to eat so I so too.

I watch him shift around nervously as I eat. I ignore it and we finish our food. Not too long after finishing our food dessert shows up.

A cake.

That has 'I Love You, Forever And Always' scribbled on it in Daniel's handwriting.

When I look up he blushes and we cut ourselves a slice each and eat in silence. Not awkward but it's comfotable. I stand up and I siit next to him. He wraps his arm sround my shoulders and we finnish the cake.

"Come with me" he leads me to the forest and he picks me up bridal style and runs to a clearing with a small pond. There is a blanket laid out, but first he leads me up a ladder in a nearby tree. There is a massive, MASSIVE tree house there. It literally spreads across like.....7 different trees. We climb up and it is really dark. He hands me a really soft material.

"Put this on for me" he says. I undress and slip the item on. Suddenly the lights turn on and a paintball gun is thrown towards me.

"Whoever gets hit owes the other a kiss" he explains. I grin. Haha. I love paintballing. I immediately shhot and he dodges. We jump around the room and shoot at eachother.

By the time the paintball guns run out we are panting heavily and laughing loudly. He sits down and I go sit on his lap. But I jump up when I feel something sticking out from his pants. I laugh and sit next to him. He kisses my head and we just sit there for a minute or two. The scores were...



He obviously sucks. He turns the lights off again and we get changed into our nice clothes and he leads me out to the blanket. We lie down and I rest my head on his chest and I listen to his heartbeat.

Just when I am about to fall asleep he stands up. I stand up too and I watch as he pulls something out of his pants. HIS PANTS POCKETS! DONT WORRY! He bends down on one knee and pulls out a small velvet box.


"Olive. We have been dating ever since we were 18. It's been 4 whole years and we have had two kids and I am now a King. All I'm asking is for you to be Queen" he asks and I look at him shocked.

"Are you really-"

"Dammit Olive. WIll. YOU. MARRY. ME!" he says impatiantly.

"Daniel, I'm so sorry. But. I don't love you anymore" I wipe a fake tear away. I watch as his eyes show his hurt and I immediately feel bad and sorry for him.

"APRIL FOOLS SUCKER! Yeah, I'll marry you" I grin and I kiss him. He glares but respnds fast. He slips the ring on while we are kissing.

"I love you" I murmer against his lips.

"I love you too" he grins against my lips.

This is the best April Fools Day ever!

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