Michael and Astrid-29

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It's been 4 weeks and guess what!

I'm fucking due.

I'm going to become a mother soon!

Daniel checks on me every two minutes. I'm currently in hospital and in a lot of pain. Daniel has a meeting he has to attend but he leaves all the time to come and check on me. It's about 8:45 and I'm just lying here. I'm bored. I roll onto my side and my stomach goes through the fucking worst pain in the mother fucking universe with the aliens in space and stuff.I roll back over and Daniel and the nurses rush in. I groan in pain. Why can't I give birth in wolf form. I scream and the nurses give me commands which I obey straight away.

In about 10-20 minutes. I hear two screaming children. I look down at the end of the bed and my legs relax. I moan in relief and Daniel's eyes become gold. He shakes his head and his eyes goes back to normal. He holds up a baby girl and I hear him whisper "Astrid" as he rocks her back and forth. The nurse hands me the boy and I grin. Michael Wilton. Perfect.

Astrid and Michael Wilton.

I love it.


I stay in hospital for a couple more days until I am allowed to leave. I change in the bathrooms and I shift for the first time in 3 months and I run home. I haven't seen Astrid or Michael in 4 days. I run home and I hear them crying. Well only Michael is crying. I run upstairs and I see Calum and Astrid playing together on the floor. Werewolf children grow rapidly fast until the mental age of 5 i think. I scoop Michael up and he stops crying. I hold him and he eventually falls asleep. I look over at Calum and Astrid. Astrid is blonde and has green eyes. Michael has black hair and blue eyes. They both look like they can crawl and say a few words already! I see Astrid get on her hands and knees and she crawls towards me and grabs my knee. Calum leaves and Daniel walks in. I hold my leg out to him and he grabs Astrid. He grins and kisses her forehead. He starts speaking in a baby voice at her and I laugh a bit. I put Michael down in his green crib. Astrid's is black with light blue glowing stars.

Astrid reaches out to me and I take her into my arms. I rock her to sleep and put her down too. Her crib rocks automatically and so does Michael's. I am so freaking tired right now. I change into my underwear and throw on a shirt. As I walk past Daniel he whistles and pinches my ass.

I slap his hand away quickly and motion towards the kids. He looks at me like I'm crazy and rolls his eyes.

"Night Astrid and Michael" I kiss their heads and climb in bed.

"What about me?" Daniel fake cries as he climbs in bed too.

"I love you Daniel" I roll my eyes.

"I love you too Olive" he whispers as I fall asleep.


I wake up and go straight into the bathroom, I brush my hair and get changed into a short dress I find on the floor. I slip it on and grab Michael and Astrid as I walk downstairs. I sit in the kitchen and I have a massive headache. I hold a cold hand to my head and I put Astrid on my lap and Michael on the table. I give them a warm bottle of milk each and I go get a blood bag. I quickly finish my blood bag and grab the kids. I walk out on the lawn and Calum runs over to Astrid. They are only 4 weeks apart and it's been one week and Astrid and Michael are WALKING with Calum. WALKING! I go and sit on a bench where I can watch them. It's scary to think I am 22 with kids, part werewolf, part angel, part vampire and I went into a life threatening game and came out alive.

Daniel comes out of the house  on the phone.

"Really?" he exclaims.

He hangs up and runs over to me and points to our children.

"You see those two kids over there?" he asks. I give him a wtf face and he rolls his eyes.

"They are now the Princess and Prince Wilton of our blood Royal line" he grins.

"Wait but your- A FUCKING KING ARENT YOU! HE GAVE YOU THE ROLE OF BEING A KING! HE STEPPED DOWN! THAT MEANS IM QUEEN! Moon Goddess, saying that makes me feel old" I shiver.

"I just cancelled the games and undid everything to do with the games" he smiles.

"A new generation begins" Gabriella grins as she runs past.

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