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Last week we got thrown back into the arena. Today is my 14th birthday and me and Francis are going to find a hiding place. The obstacles are arriving today. All I know is that they are definitely not hunters.

I've gone back to my cave and Gabriella is hanging out with me now. We hunt together and we go on shifts to guard our cave at night.

Gabriella has a snow white wolf with sparkling emerald eyes. She is one of the most beautiful wolves I have ever seen. My own wolf has blue eyes, not sparkly or anything. Just Blue eyes.

We trot towards the pond and Gabriella luckily has skill with catching fish. So she is catching fish while I am on lookout. We can both smell the new obstacles entering the arena and they are moving at a really fast speed. Almost as fast as a werewolf.

Its not human.

We quickly hurry back and see a male walking around. He has blood red eyes and he has extremely pale skin.

He looks around on alert. I tell Gabriella to stay still as I walk forwards. He has blood on his fingers and in his pitch black hair.

His cheekbones are high and he is pretty cute for a vampire.

Wait what!?

How do I know that?

Blood on his hands.

Pale skin.

Red eyes.

All equals a vampire.

Vampires are here to kill us.


I walk out of the shadows and his head whips around. He looks so familiar its creepy.

He looks at me and his eyes glow red. I stand still and in less than a second I am being strangle up against the tree. I manage to choke out a few breaths before my eyelids begin to grow heavy.

I am prepared to die, but before death takes me, I fall to the ground.

"Olive?" The boy says in barely a whisper. I look up in my wolf form and wink. My head drops back to the ground and I look at him.

I try to name him but for some reason there is like a block on my brain.

"Of course, you can't remember me. I compelled you to forget" he sighs. He clicks and in a flash all my memories come back.

***********Flash Backs**********

My books fall to the floor, I groan and pick them up. My glasses fall off the bridge of my nose and my vision gets blurry.

I stand up and place my broken glasses on. I hug my books to my chest and keep walking.

I walk all the way to my locker and open the door in a rush. I hear a bang and I turn around. Oh god, I hit someone with my locker door!

I shove my books away and help the boy up. He is really cute.

"I am so sorry!" I say looking at my feet. He pushes my chin up so I look at him.

"It's okay" he says. He has black hair and red eyes. His cheekbones are high and his skin is really pale.

"I'm Olive" I say shyly.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around Olive" he says as he walks away.

"WAIT! I never got your name!" I yell after him but he doesn't hear me.


"I don't know what's wrong with me" he sobs.

"Jack, nothing is wrong with you" I try to say to him calmly.

"Yes there is! I bit you! I drank your blood!" he screams at me.

"Hey, it's okay, you weren't feeling yourself, your a werewolf, just like me" I say to him while hugging him.

"What if I become a bloodsucking freak!" he yells.

"I will love you anyway Jack" I whisper.

"I love you too, Olive" he whispers back to me.

He kisses me lightly on the lips and I smile against his lips. I look out towards the sunset. The roof feels hard against my legs and I rest my head on his shoulder.

As I am about to fall asleep I hear Jack whisper to me 'Forget Me Olive'

********** Flash backs over*********

I look at him in amazement.

"Jack?" I whisper softly. He nods and picks me up.

"I'm here now, I will keep you safe" he kisses me lightly.

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