Rejected -17

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My tears begin to come all over again. First I thought I didn't have a mate. Then I found something worse. I found my mate but he is going to reject me. A tear slips from my eye again. He groans and shakes his head.

"WHY YOU!?" He yells at me like its my fault.

I let out another sob.

"You are ignorant and irresponsible and I can't have you as a mate!" he complains.

"YEAH WELL MAYBE YOU WOULD BE A LITTLE IGNORANT AND TRY TO HAVE A LITTLE FUN IN LIFE TO TRY AND FORGET THAT KILLED YOUR CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND! DO YOU KNOW HOW BAD THAT HURTS EVERY DAY!? AND TO TOP IT OFF MY MATE, THE PRINCE, HATES ME AND WANTS SOMEONE LIKE MY BEST FRIEND!" I scream at him. He goes pale and he tries to come close to me. His eyes look guilty and sad. My eyes flash from red, to blue and to black. Black is anger and my wolf is taking over. Blue is me and red is my part vampire showing.

I back away and try to run I get a couple steps until I break down and cry. He stands beside me and he sits down. I automatically go to him and cry into his chest.

I cry for a while and I can imagine my makeup running down my face. He strokes my head and I eventually calm down. I just lie in his arms. My eyelids become droopy and tired. He runs his fingers through my hair and I fall asleep in his arms.


I wake up in a bed with the King and Princess Alia hovering over me. I roll over and fall off the single bed. I groan and try to lift myself up. But I can't so I just flop to the floor. I army roll towards the door. I climb onto my hands and knees and balance myself. My knees feel all wobbly. I open the door and trip over my own feet. I crawl towards where I can see the arena. I see Aisha and Ashton and Gabriella all running around looking for me. I crawl as fast as I can towards the arena. I reach the entrance and I jump inside. I crawl to a soft patch of grass with another rock, it isn't as big as my other one but I'm in a different arena so it will have to and lie there. My friends come and the sit near me.

"Its Prince Daniel" I whisper softly.

"We know Olive" Gabriella whispers.


I wake up again in a bed. With The King and The Princess hovering over me again. I groan and try to get up my my arms are chained to the bed.

"Help" I groan. I sound like the girl off the Titanic when she is almost frozen and she is calling for help.

I struggle against the chains.

"This is basically rape you know. Your chaining me to a bed and your hovering over me. You kidnapped me and it is really creepy how you guy are looking at me" I groan.

"Help!" I yell a bit louder.

"They are raping me!" I yell.

"We have put you on a drug that makes you drowsy in the next 10 minutes you need to get out of these chains and then I will give you permission to date my son" The King says.


This is stupid.


I'm meant to prove I'm a good mate y unchaining myself from a bed.


Pfft, easy.


I focus on the Prince, he fills me with so much strength and power because of the mate bond. And I know I already love him. I pull harder on the chains. I put in a bit of my vampire strength and I think of how he was laughing at me on the plane 4 years ago. I pull harder and the chain becomes loose. I slip my hands out and untie my feet. I sit up and look at them. Thank god I'm a freaking vampire hybrid. They smile approvingly.

"You have my permission to be Queen someday" he smiles.

Wow, that was so stupid.

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