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The Royal Pack has come down to join us because we have no idea when the rogues are going to attack. Prince Daniel is constantly calling packs around the world to help us but nearly all of them declined. We are going up against some of the most powerdul wolves in the world.

Ashton and Lily are sitting on the couch watching Top Gear. Well Ashton is. Lily is poking him with her perfectly manicured finger.

"Your not listening. Ashton. Why is Olive boss and everyone does what she says? And why do we all live in one house?" she asks. I don't blame her for asking. If I didn't know about any of this stuff I would be curious too.

"Olive is the one who brought us all together and we are gratefull so we try to listen to her opinion as much as we can. Everyone is here because we are all Olive's family basically" he relplies. He looks at her and I can tell he is feeling guilty about lying. I run in and change the channel screnn.

"OMG THE BIG BANG THEORY IS ON!" Lily and I yell at them same time.

"Jinx" she says.

"Double Jinx" I counter.

"Triple Jinx" Lily smiles approvingly.

"Cardboard box!" I yell. I have no idea why but I yell it anyway.

We laugh loudly and Ashton gives me a hi five. I leave the room and walk out the front of the house. I hear screming and I see Daniel come out and on the balcony. I run towards the commotion.

"Come with me or this young lad dies" Aisha gowls while pointing a loaded gun at Clayton's head. Clayton is part of my pack. He is one of th warrior wolves, but he doesn't know that yet. We will be training him starting tomorrow. But not if he is dead.

"You know I will do it Olive" she warns and her finger goes closer to the trigger. I step forwarrd and she lets go of Clayton and she shoots the gun. But not at Clayton I turn around and see Daniel fall to the ground. I begin to run forwards and she shoots me in the back too. Backshooting bitch. Haha I made a joke. Daniel looks up and he holds his waist as shifts and runs towards us. Blood is pouring out of his back and my eyes are turning from red to blue and back again. I try to hold it in. I can'tlet my vampire side out on my mate. He tries to grab me but instead Aisha grabs my leg and she shifts and drags me away. Daniel tries to run after us but he has a bullet wound so he slows down and eventually he is out of sight.

I stay awake the whole time. We end up at a perfectly nice house. It is perfect. I would even live here. Aisha carries me inside. I would so live here.

"This is where you will be staying. We come pick you up at 5 AM and you come back here at 9 PM. You will nee to feed yourself. There will be 4 people inside the house gaurding you and 8 outside. We are being generous. Don't ruin it" she glares and walks out. Wow. I like this rogue pack. A guy around my age walks past.

"Hey!" I say and run after him.

"What" he snaps.




"i said no'

"Play with me please"

"If it will get you to shut up fine" he agrees.

"Hide and seek. Grab your friends. I dibs not being it!" I run upstairs. I hear commotion downstairs and finally someone begins to count.

Daniels POV

I get the packs ready and I want to leave now because I have no idea what ain they are already makin her go through because that drug they gave me wore off. But the packs won't let me go. They say that they will be expecting us today.

We get out a map and there are no abandoned houses or places anywhere. I'm guessing that she is being kept in one of the nice houses in the area. We look through all the big houses. One has a massive fence so we search it on the internet. 23 Wolfe Drive. There is another suspicious one on Wolfe Drive. Tomorrow we train. We are leaving in 4 days.

Olive's POV

As they promised, I would be picked up at 5. They come in a very fancy black car with tinted black windows. I have no idea why they are being so nice to torture me.

I get led out of the house and I get to sit in the front. They drive down multiple streets. I'm on Wolfe Drive. We end up a bock away from my parents house. I used to come and egg this house. We walk in and on the outside it looks like a normal house. But on the inside it is dark and all the furniture is covered in white sheets. There is one of those creepy pianos in the corner of a room and it is dead quiet, except for the sound the television is making. It's screen is going fuzzy and it's making scratchy noises. The floorboards have been pulled up and some bugs are on the roof. There is blood on the walls and everytime I take a step the floorboards creak. I get led up the unstable stairs and we end up in a massive room full of chains and equipment.

The roge wolves chain me to the wall. I stand up and pull against the chains. But nothing works. I just sit down and wait for someone to come in and ecxplain what is going on!

Finally Aisha comes in.

"Olive, meet your cousin Klaw" she introduces him.

A familiar face comes in and finally steps into the light. It is Klaw. Klaw is my cousin who got kicked out of our pack for killing someone in our pack. That someone was called Tyson. He was the best pack leader in the world. But my cousin killed him in his sleep out of jealousy.

"I want to be a hybrid like you Olive. Even better an angel" He says as he flicks a needle. He comes closer and stabs it into my arm. I feel the fluid go through me.

"That is going to go through your body and it will help you heal faster" he says as he grabs another needle.

He takes some of my blood and puts in in a bowl. Then he throws the needle at me. It hits me in my stomach and blood begins to pour out like a waterfall. I groan and he comes closer. He grabs some silver shards and he puts some gloves on. He sticks them in my shoulders and my back. He grabs a silver dagger.

"Show me your wings"


He stabs me with the silver knife. I scream and shift out of anger. My wings accidently come out and they hit the roof. I growl.

"There's a good girl" he says as he drags the knife through my stomch. I howl out in pain for someone to help me. I look out a crack in the boarded windows and I see my mum and dads house.

I snap at Klaw. He laughs that evil laugh that evil villains do and he stabs me gagain. But ths time he leaves it inside me. I begin to jump around. It's burning me from inside out. I howl and force my wings back inside of me. My red fur looks like blood red in the light and I love it, it looks so devilish. He admires my fur and grabs a silver bullet gun. He pulls the trigger and a bullet ripd into my flesh. He keeps going. I count 7 bullets and now all parts of my bosy are burning.

"Okay, all done" he says as he watches my reactions. He grabs the dagger and rips it down through my flesh before fially taking it out. He digs out the bullets and he takes out the silver. I feel releif flood through me. He kicks me in the stomach and I whimper. He kicks me again and again. I lie on the floor as he abuses me.

Finally darkness takes over.

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