Qᴜᴀʀᴀɴᴛᴀ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

Start from the beginning

"Speranza, are you sure that you are okay? You keep spacing out." He persisted, a slight frown adorning his angular face.

"Yeah, just thinking. Anyway, why have we stopped moving, are we there?" I questioned, changing the topic to divert his suspicions. I had raised my voice higher, to try and display my excitement of finally being able to experience freedom.

A chuckle escaped his lips.

"Yeah, about five minutes ago. Come on, let's go." He stated, nodding his head to the side.

"Okay." I breathed out, I was quite nervous. I haven't stepped outside or seen any other living individual in months, other than his employees and him.

Releasing my seatbelt, I reached to unlock the door, but Alessio beat me to it and opened it for me and bowed, mockingly.

"Thank you. What is with you acting like a gentleman, is it because other people are around to witness?" I questioned, intrigued to know why he was being so polite.

"Your welcome and what makes you think that this is an act?" He asked, whilst throwing a hand over my shoulder, obviously ensuring that I can't leave.

Trying the shrug his arm off of my shoulder, I reply.

"Oh, come on, since when did men in the 'Mafia' show any respect towards women, their inferior's?" I released a defeated huff when I couldn't remove his arm.

"Not all men are like that Speranza, some are good. Well as good as a killer can be. I for one learned one thing from my mother before she was consumed by drugs. She taught me to always treat a woman with respect, in the short time that I spent with her, she raised me to be a gentleman and that I will always live to be. Not everyone is like Valentin." He said, his tone flat. I didn't know whether to believe his admittance or not, but the honestly glimmering through his eyes assured me.

"Your mother had a wise head laid upon her shoulders." I said, smiling at him.

"That she had." He agreed, however, his mouth curved into a sad smile, causing me to frown in empathy.

"Don't be sad, she would be proud of you." I assured him.

"I don't know about that, I have done some terrible things." He admitted, guilt plastering his face.

"Everybody makes mistakes." I said, my voice laced in seriousness.

"Yeah, but people like me and Valentin tend to make a lot of those. In the cruellest ways and scenarios, there is no excuse for the things that we have done." He declared, his voice holding resentment.

"Don't compare yourself to him. I have seen a slither of what he had done, and I know that he destructs everything within his path. The look in his eyes displays how much he finds pleasure in the sins and activities he participates in and he speaks of them with no shame, no guilt, just satisfaction and pride.

When I look into your eyes, I see that guilt and shame that should be within his. That is how I know that you are nothing like him, you aren't a monster, an abomination." I assured him, desperation seeping into my tone. Nobody is as evil as him.

"The thing is Speranza, him and I may not be identical in our ways, but we are alike. We are brothers to one another, but we don't have an ordinary or typical relationship. We just have one another's back when we need assistance to overcome obstacles. We kill together, we achieve power together and inhabit fear within others." He stated, this time his eyes held not an ounce of guilt or shame, they held pride.

My eyes widened in disbelief.

"You think that he cares for you? If it ever came down to it if he had to choose between your life and his own. Who do you think he would choose? Himself Alessio, you are blinded by his empty promises. I bet he has told you that by standing beside him and declaring your oath of loyalty, you will gain power alongside him. Yes, that is true, you have gained more power, with your hierarchy and all.

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