"Uhm, huh?"

"I'm Seungkwan. Vernon's upcoming wife. Please step away from my fiance, or else we fight." he replied, crossing his arms.

"Seungkwan, I'm not-"

"Shut up, my beloved soon-to-be husband!" Seungkwan said, hushing Vernon. "Now, why are you stealing my man?"

"I'm not stealing him," You reply, squinting your eyes.

"Believe me, you are. He is mine and mine only and-"

"Okay, that's enough, Seungkwan." Vernon chimed in, pulling him away. "Stop torturing Y/N. She did nothing to deserve this."

"She stole you!" Seungkwan pouted. "She was cuddled up in your arms last night and I wasn't! I want affection!"

"Stop being extra," Vernon responded, rolling his eyes. "She didn't steal me from anyone, neither did she steal me from anything."

"She stole you from me,"

"Uhm... I'm going to go look around while you guys...argue or whatever." You say, walking away.

Just a few seconds later you ended up in the kitchen where some of the other boys were. "I haven't met any of you, so hi, I'm Y/N." You announce in front of all of the five boys in the kitchen, taking a quick bow.

One of them smiled gently and stopped making whatever they were, turning to look at you. "I'm S.Coups, but you can call me Seungcheol."

"He's also gay for Jeonghan." Another boy chimed in, earning a glare from the boy Seungcheol.

The boy smirked and looked at you. "I'm Mingyu, and that's Minghao, Wonwoo, Hoshi, and Dino."

"Ah, well nice to meet you all. At least I'm not being threatened this time." You say, emphasizing threatened.

"Threatened?" Seungcheol questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Seungkwan threatened me because I took his man." You reply with a shrug.

"That seems typical," Seungcheol replied, now smiling. "He was just playing around, honestly. Him and Hansol-ah have a really close friendship, and I mean, fans swear they're gay for each other, so..."

"Anywho, how do you two get along? You and Hansol?"

"Good, I guess." You respond. "Why'd you ask?"

"Him and his last girlfriend didn't get along, even before they got together. They only got with each other for the attraction, I guess." Mingyu replied budding in. "It'd be nice if he settled for the right girl. Not saying you aren't, but everyone he has ever dated was problematic and he couldn't handle them for his own good."

You nod making an 'o' shape with your mouth. "Problematic? Did they always fight?"

"Vernon wasn't all out for fighting, but yes. Sometimes the girls would have bad anger issues, and they would try to get physical." Wonwoo jumped in. "We had to kick a few girls out of the dorm before for it, and then we would have to tell Vernon about him and his poor choice in girls."

"Was all the girls he dated like this?"

There was a small silence before someone finally spoke up. "No. There was one girl a few years back when Hansol-ah was still in high school. They had a really great relationship, but unfortunately the girl was put in the hospital due to having cancer, and then shortly after she uhm...died." Seungcheol said, a short sigh following afterwards. "They were what I'd like to say in love with each other, and just her being put in the hospital alone was heartbreaking enough to Hansol, so when she was officially announced dead it was almost like the end of the world in his eyes."

"That's kind of why we think he's having trouble with girls." Wonwoo added in.

"That's...really sad. I feel sorry for him now..." You mumble.

"It is. But we're hoping he's in good hands with you. Even if you guys may not be together at the moment, just the way he simply looks at you makes it obvious that you're the next person he wants." Dino said, smiling softly. "Next thing you know, you guys will become all lovey-dovey with each other, then a year or two later, engagement and then children!"

Ahbdxjjdksnf diD hE hAve tO sAy tHat?

Everyone glared at Dino and he just raised his shoulders to shrug. "Sorry?"

All of the other boys began to scold him, making you laugh and walk away with a wave and nothing more. You walked back into the living room, looking around since you hadn't seen Vernon in there yet. Right as you were about to pass the couch, you looked down and spotted him laying there.

"Prince charming isn't supposed to be asleep, so I think he should get up." You say, looking down at him.

A small gummy smile appeared on his face as you said that and he silently looked up at you. "Aren't you one to talk? Shouldn't you be running a kingdom, princess?"

You chuckled with a small shrug. "I run a kingdom 24/7 within my head. I'm good on actually running one in real life as well."

"How about you be my queen and I'll be your king and we can rule a kingdom together?"

"How about we start off as just prince and princess looking for company and affection, and then we slowly get to the queen and king part?"

Vernon's smile never disappeared, but instead it only widened. "I'm fine with that as long as we end up king and queen."

"That can be arranged...sometime in the future."

"Make me wait as long as you want. Just promise me one thing; that you'll actually give me a chance one day."

You were hesitant before you answered, but you slowly nodded. "I promise," You replied, smiling gently. "Except I have trouble keeping promises, so don't be disappointed if it doesn't happen."

Vernon scrunched up his face and began to pout, making you laugh.

"Looks like five year old Vernon came to visit,"

"At least ten year old me didn't,"

"How come you say that?"

"Because I was literally a meme."


lmao here's an update ya'll goodbye

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