"I'm Mrs. Ringwald, your math teacher and I'll be taking the role," the teacher says with her warm smile for now. She begins reading off the names as I look around trying to put names to faces she calls the girl next to me.

"Lucy Daniel," she says, and Lucy yawns and then says here and she gets to my name, and I'm mentally preparing myself. Most of these kids knew each other from middle school; this was the big moment I couldn't ruin it.

"Josephine Marabell," she says using my full first name I think of what to reply back.

"I prefer Josie," I say politely and look for approval no one is even listening. I was wasting too much time worrying about what other people think and what they were going to say. High school needed to be perfect. I needed this to be my year; I barely made it out of middle school with my dignity.

We were given the survey's they provide us on the first day where we have to go around and ask people questions and see which answer they filled. I went up to this quiet girl named Gwen and asked if she rode the bus to school. She nodded quietly and then asked if I was driven to school.

"Hey Jose," some guy said laughing as he was talking, so it indicated that he wasn't serious. I didn't take time for it, so I tried to walk away, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. Is this happening how boys act no wonder most of them are single and still living with their parents?

"Lucy, did you do something to your hair this morning?" I say asking her my question, and she nods.

"I curled it cause why not I mean most people dress class the first week and trash for the rest of the year. You should get used to me wearing this by next week. I'll be going to school how I woke up," she says, and I laugh, and she finds a question to ask me.

"Do you have any siblings?" I then think about my older brother, who was in college and lived at home. It was nice knowing I had a chauffeur when my parents weren't around. I then tell her about my brother, and she tells me about her obnoxious little sister.

I would ask her what her schedule, but she made me incredibly stupid. But I shouldn't judge people on the first impression cause I'd be my own hypocrite. But then I take mine out and show her, and we have P.E together, which was the next period. She told me that her older friends told her they usually pair the freshmen groups with the senior classes. That meant there would be a lot of hot guys to choose from. I then pinch myself and remind myself of my relationship.

"Lucy wanna stare at hot guys during gym?" I ask being my ridiculous self, and she nods in agreement.

"Finally someone who gets me" she takes grabs her bag as the bell rings and we head to the gym. Since it was the first day, they had us sit in the bleachers and listen to them tell us the rules. I saw these two guys staring at me, and Lucy down an didn't know if I should say something or wave to them.

Lucy and I ended up talking the whole time, and she introduced me to Ryan and Scott who looked like gods. Ryan was cute, and I could tell he was athletic, and Scott just seemed like the guy to make you laugh. But had me dying of laughter by the end of class. Scott and I walked to science together he was telling me about his girlfriend her name is Yasmin, and she was in the class.

I was surprised that my day was going well nothing or no one had ruined it not even my dad who in the gym teaching the senior class. If you're wondering where those clichés mean girls with their blonde hair and fake eyelashes are you're in the wrong place. These days only thing people are capable of is being fake to one another and talking shit about someone behind their back.

Science was the first class the teacher made us learn something I was whispering to Davina half the time and hitting Scott every time he kicked my seat. The day was going by fast, and the bell for lunch finally rang I'd been starving and that hot pocket for breakfast wasn't enough.

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