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Few weeks later...

~Harry's POV~

I was sent out to go find Niall. "You'll probably find him in Ellie's bed," we all joked around. I drove to Delenn and Ellie's house and knocked on the door.

"Coming!" Ellie shouted from inside, followed by multiple footsteps.

"Niall stop snogging Ellie already!" I shouted back.

The door opened and Niall opened the door shirtless and his hair still wet. "Morning Styles," he smiled. Ellie peeked from behind, putting her wet hair up as she walked towards the door. Niall and I exchanged looks; he had such a cheeky smile on his face.

"So are you guys coming to Louis' or would you guys rather stay in showe-"

"Harry!" Ellie shouted, cutting me off as Niall laughed. She threw him a shirt and they both fixed themselves before walking out hand in hand.

They looked so happy... Then I suddenly wondered when I will finally meet my special someone.

~To be continued in a new fanfic~

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