Chapter 13

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~Ellie's POV~ 

I sat there, frozen as he looked into my eyes. Was he serious?

"I..." I tried to make a sound but I didn't know what to say. The air in the room became tense as the silence pulled us apart. My palms became sweaty as I tried to think this through. "I... I don't..."

"It's alright babe," he said as he gave me a weak smile.

No... I wasn't trying to hurt him; I never would want to. My heart beat loudly as I tried to understand all of my feelings. Even though the memories of the past was put to sleep, that one boy was always there in my heart.

"I just don't know...I mean I know that I have feelings for you. I..." My chest began to hurt as it felt tight to breathe. How did I feel about him?

When I was with him I felt secure. I could rest my head against his chest and know that he would be there when I woke up. There was something about him that I craved, that I wanted. I couldn't resist him.

His eyes flickered as I looked into his eyes, trying to figure me out. "I'm sorry..." That was all I could come up with.

He gently held my hand with both hands and pulled it to his lips. "Don't be."

His eyes closed as he kissed my hand. As his breath touched my skin my heart raced, and the urge to kiss him suddenly overtook me. He opened his eyes and looked at me hungrily, his eyes craving me as if I was his prey.

The time seemed to stop as our lips collided.

~Zayn's POV~

I was awakened by the sound of the shower running. I thought back to last night as I began to hear her voice echoing against the tiled wall. She was singing Adele. I couldn't help but to smile as I listened.


After laying on the bed for another good 5 minutes, I raised myself up to find my trousers.

"Morning," Ellie said shyly as she walked in with a towel wrapped around her body.

Everything about her was irresistible. You may not believe me, and I can't believe it either, but I was madly in love with her.

~Niall's POV~ 

We only had two days before the first show. Tomorrow me and the lads were going to fly out to Glasgow on a helicopter, then Ellie was flying in the next day. After a long discussion it was decided that she will sing three song for the show, one for the opening, one during the intermission, and one after my Stereo Hearts. Once we tweeted her freshly made Twitter, she had 150,000 followers. Thanks to YouTube, that increased to 500,000 in no time as she uploaded a video of her singing with Ed. Her voice was incredible before but now after vocal training she could...

Why am I thinking so much about her? Did I still like her?

I shook off all the thoughts as we sat in Delenn's house, rehearsing all the songs. Ellie was still at class, taking her last exam.

It was a good thing; I didn't want to see her, especially when Zayn was around. It physically hurt me to see them together.

But at the same time I wanted to see her smile.

~Ellie's POV~  

I finally got done with the theory exam after sitting in the classroom for 3 hours. I was fairly confident about it, but now I had to switch my mindset. As I stepped out of the building, a light breeze touched my arms, sending a shiver up my spine.

I was about to begin the new chapter of my life that could ether be a success or a complete failure.

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