Chapter 11

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~Niall's POV~ 

Another day in the studio. I was honestly very excited for the album. It was going to be sick! Our UK summer tour was about to start in 3 months.

"I like this song," Harry said as he looked through all the song choices we had to cover during our concerts. We all lazily sat on the sofa, messing around with each other and on our phones...and getting in trouble. I was tired and a tad bit hungry to focus. I had my guitar and we sang through few songs, but nothing really hit me. I just wasn't feeling it.

"What about the Beatles?" Liam suggested as he slouched on the sofa.

The lads began singing All You Need Is Love...The time in X-Factor was definitely a good time. It seems so long ago, yet it's only the beginning for our band. We all reminisced through all the good, bad, and hilarious moments.

"What's this?" Louis asks as he finds a sheet.

"Louis let me see," I say as I reach out. It had no title or artist's name. Only the notes and the words. "Huh." I handed it to the others and they hummed through the song, but it wasn't familiar to any of us.

I began strumming the chords and we all began singing, somewhat guessing how it goes. The chords were basic. It was nothing special.

But the words cut me like knives.

Once in a while comes a moment when you feel numb, yet overflow with emotions... That was now.

I began to tear up... I hate when this happens. It's nothing special. It's just a song. But I felt it. And understood every single word. I couldn't play it anymore.

"It's a nice song," Zayn said as we sang through. Don't get me wrong, I love that guy. I just did my best to not think about him and Ellie.

"Niaaall!" Louis said with a small smile as he put his hand on my shoulder.


It was starting to rain again in London. The whole city was gloomy as Liam and I headed back to the Sony office.

"Hey isn't that Ellie?"

I looked ahead to see her outside the building with Zayn. "Yeah," I replied as I stared forward. I don't know why but I felt very uneasy.

What is she doing here?

~Ellie's POV~ 

Zayn stood in front of me smiling while he tried to cheer me up. "Why are you so down!?" But my mind wasn't with him. In fact, it wasn't even on this planet. My thoughts wondered around in the outer space.

Everything was surreal. I had walked in the Sony Music hoping to get all the copy of the song back. I walked in feeling embarrassed because now they all knew my thoughts and feelings. You see, one song says a lot. In fact you can tell your whole life story in a single song. That's why I didn't want them to have it.

It was supposed to be simple; I was supposed to walk in, apologize for the confusion, show them my notebook to prove that I wrote the song, then walk out. That's it.

But that's not what happened.

"It's a great thing babe!" He said as he smiled at me.

I saw Niall and Liam walking toward us. I looked at them, as they looked confusedly at me, then back at Zayn.

I couldn't believe it.

I was now a part of the One Direction summer tour.

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