Chapter 14

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Relax Ellie. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply as the screams of the fans echoed through the arena and into backstage. Calm down.

As I got my hair and makeup done I tried to calm my pounding heart. I checked the time; I had half an hour. I began to feel sweat standing on my forehead. I tried to tune out everything surrounding me, but it was hectic with everyone running around shouting to one person while talking into their headset. I can honestly say that I've never been this nervous in my entire lifetime.

My palms got sweaty; my throat was dry. I was beginning to feel light-headed. I went to go get some water.

What if I forget the words? What if I missed a cue? What if my voice cracks? What if they don't like me?

The boys sat on the sofa, each with a cup in their hand, and they all turned to me as I walked in. I smiled weakly; my mind was definitely not here.

"Hey hey!" Liam greeted me.

"Ready Ellie?" Harry said as he watched me fiddling with my nails as I walked by.

I glared back at him as I got a cup of water. "Of course not."

Zayn chuckled, probably laughing at me on the inside. "Relax babe you're gonna be fine."

I took a sip as I smiled back. It still didn't help. If it was my own song, I would be completely fine. But I was covering a song: "Broken Hearted" by Karmin. Everyone was going to compare my singing to Amy's. After that was a very quick cover of a song by Cher Lloyd before the boys sang Torn, then last but not least, I sang a duet with Ed Sheeran before they sand "Use Somebody," which was less frightening because I wasn't alone.

"The first time is always hard," Liam said. "I still get nervous. But once you go on stage you'll feel 100 times better." His smile was comforting.

"And if you think you're gonna mess up, just signal us. We can always throw some snowballs," Louis flashed a big grin.

"Thanks Lou," I said as I threw my cup away.

I gave a quick glance at Niall, but he was on the phone, probably on Twitter again.

I sighed. "Well, I'm gonna go."

"Just have fun with it!" Harry exclaimed as I walked out of the room.

I stood behind stage, warming up my voice for the the third time. The feeling of the ear piece was something I had to get used to. As I was getting my outfit checked last minute, Zayn walked toward me.

"You're gonna do great." He pulled me into a hug and held my head as I rested against his chest, closing my eyes as I slowly inhaled in his cologne.

"Thank you," I let go and looked into his eyes. His smile calmed my nerves a little as the urge to kiss him overruled the nervousness.

"Don't think too much, the first time is always a learning experience." He must have caught me looking at his lips as he talked. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "I love you."

I knew that he meant it.

"Ellie get ready," they shouted as they signalled me to stand by.

Zayn smiled at me before he walked back. His love filled me with confidence. I can do it.

I heard my own voice through the speakers as they played a recorded video of me.


They handed me a mic as I walked onto the dim stage.

~Zayn's POV~ 

The screams of our fans filled the stage as she began singing. "This is more than a typical kinda thing." I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Is Amanda here tonight?" Harry asked Louis as we all shook off the nervousness.

Then Liam and Niall began talking about their birds. "Is Rebecca coming?" Liam asked Niall.

"Oh yeah," Niall replied, but his mind seemed elsewhere. After realizing that Liam was still looking at him, he added, "she's here."

We all lined up backstage.

When you gonna call

Don't leave me broken hearted

I've been waiting up

Let's finish what we started, oh oh

I can't seem to let you go

The crowd erupted in cheers.

"Ready mate?" Liam asked me as I took a mic.

~Ellie's POV~ 

I walked backstage to be greeted by big smiles and high fives as the boys and I switched places. They mouthed "good job" as they rushed by. Now it was their turn.

I was still shaking from the adrenaline rush and sweating from all the lights.

After singing Want U Back on the sofa with the lads, I had less than an hour before I sang a duet.

I sat down to calm my beating heart. Was this really happening? I wondered as I thought back to the time that had passed by like the wind. The screaming crowd. The flashing lights of the cameras. It was hard to think that I was an 'artist,' but it was finally sinking in.

"Ellie?" One of the techies called.

"Yes?" I looked up.

He had a troubled look on his face. "Ed can't make it tonight."


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