Chapter 16 (mature)

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I haven't felt like this in a while... Exactly 7 months.

I curled up in the bed on my side, blinded by the sunlight beaming through the white linen curtains. I could slightly hear the noise of the TV from the surrounding rooms.

My chest felt heavy. My lungs felt clogged up from this feeling. What happened on the stage?

The way he looked at me and sang those words. You couldn't call it nothing. Even if everyone who was there last night made him save my entire career, there was an undeniable chemistry he couldn't hide last night.

It was 8 o'clock. Time for me to get ready on a day off, just to have breakfast.

This was one thing I disliked about fame. If you were seen without makeup, you will find it being the hot topic on the internet.

There was a lounge downstairs reserved for us this morning. After getting a plate of food I joined the boys at the table, sitting in the empty seat next to Zayn.

"Morning," I said as I sat down.

Zayn patted my leg as he gave me a big smile, "good morning." The rest of the members greeted me as well while they ate mouthful.

"Great job last night," Louis said as he took a break from chewing on food.

"Thanks," I said as I picked on the food. I honestly had no appetite.

"Oh yeah Ed told us after the concert that he couldn't make it," Liam laughed. "Remember that?" He asked Niall, who sat right across from me.

He smiled at Liam as he took a drink. "Oh yeah how'd he say it?" They both laughed as they imitated Ed.

Maybe it was my mistake. Niall was his normal self. His eyes passed by mine without a pause, without hesitation.

Zayn's hand landed on my leg again; he had a concerned look on his face. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine." Those words were an automatic response. "Uh what time do we have to leave here?" I asked around the table as I fled from his stare.

"At noon," Liam replied. He took a moment to look at my face. "Are you sure you're feeling alright?" That caught everyone's attention.

"Yeah um," I hesitated. "I'm just sleep deprived. I'm going back to bed." I stood up and excused myself.


The bed shook once slowly. My head felt heavy. My eyes stayed shut. My stomach felt twisted. Then suddenly, I felt a kiss planted on my cheek.

I suppose I should've been alarmed at this point, but I had no strength to even raise myself up. I rolled over a little to find Zayn sitting right next to me.

After taking a moment to examine his face I asked, "What are you doing here?"

"You left your key downstairs," he said, half amused at how lost I was. "But looks like you had a spare."

I breathed out slowly, trying to fight the pressure against my temples. "Thank you." I tossed back again to my side, looking away from him.

"Are you feeling better?" His hand creeped on my shoulder, lingering each touch on my bare skin. I inhaled deeply. His touch was seductive.

I don't know; was I?

I felt the weight of his body lift from the bed, taking the silence as a hint to leave.

"Stay with me." I mumbled those words without giving it a thought. All I knew was that I wanted him with me.

I felt the mattress sink behind me once again.

He began to kiss my shoulder as his hand caressed down my arm, sending a shiver up my spine as he kissed my neck. Without hesitation he unhooked my bra and pulled it off my arms. His lips moved up to my ear, and I flinched as his finger flicked against my nipple. His body pressed against mine as the sensation took over us once again. I want him.

His hand trailed down my waist and under my panties. I gasped for air. "You're so wet," I could hear him smile as he whispered.

"Stop teasing me," I managed to say as I panted. I reached back and tried to undo his jeans, but he took my arm and pinned down in front of my face. I lay on the bed like a helpless prey as he undid his jeans.

"Do you want it?" He asked as he placed himself right behind me.


I bit down on my lip to hold my moan in as he inserted himself in me. Every muscle in my body tensed up. I clenched on the bed sheet as he began thrusting faster.

Was this only lust?

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