Chapter 9

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~Zayn's POV~

I woke up slowly with a mild headache holding me down to the bed. The cold air penetrated my shoulders; I pulled the blanket up as I buried my head. Waking up hungover was the absolute worst feeling in the world.

The bed creaked.

I opened my eyes to see the back of her head, and her bare shoulders peeking out from the blanket.

Was this real? Was she really next to me, in my bed? I began thinking back to last night. Did it really happen?

I couldn't help but to hold as she slept peacefully. I pulled myself up slowly, fighting the headache that held me down to the bed. She breathed lightly; her makeup was smeared.

My god she looked beautiful.

I placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

I moved her hair back to expose her neck. She let out a breath as I began kissing her neck and down to her shoulder.

"Morning Ellie," I mumbled on her shoulder, and moved back up to her neck.

She suddenly jerked up and sat up, holding on the blanket to cover herself. "...I need to go." She rubbed makeup off under her eyes as she spoke, not looking into my eyes at all. She walked around to collect her clothes and got dressed. I watched her in silence as I tried to figure her out.

"Was it-"

"No." She finally looked at me as she cut me off. In her eyes were a trace of sadness and guilt. She looked like she wanted to say something. She looked like she could collapse in a moment. "I'm sorry about last night." She quickly turned around and hid her face as she left.

Did I do something wrong?

~Ellie's POV~

I was surprised when Delenn didn't come squealing in my face as to what had happened last night. She sat at the kitchen counter on her laptop very quietly. "They already caught you leaving his house," she said as a childish grin grew on her face, keeping her eyes on the screen. "You're trending worldwide." She looked up with a cheeky smile, but it faded as she saw my face. "What's wrong babe?"

My heart wanted to break into pieces, but I kept my composure. "What?" I faked a laugh. "I'm fine, just hungover from last night."

"Zayn didn't say anything nasty to you, did he?" She said with her eyes widened.

"Oh, no, he didn't," I gave her a reassuring smile. "I need to shower." With that I excused myself and locked myself in the bathroom.

I should've known better. Amanda had already warned me about him long ago. It wasn't that he flirted like how Harry does with every single girl he meets. Zayn just knew how to use his charm very well.

I don't know how I feel anymore. My heart felt heavy...was this guilt? Guilty for what? I couldn't help but to wonder as I showered myself in tears.


For the next few days I avoided the lads as much as possible. I went to my classes and stayed extra hours in the practice rooms or spent time at the cafe with friends. But they all seemed to know about me and Zayn.

"Come play with us Ellie!" Liam exclaimed as I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. The boys were playing some sports on the xbox with Jenna, Liam's girlfriend. Zayn smiled at me, but I couldn't find the strength to return the smile.

"Thanks, but I'm not feeling well." They all looked at me; they all knew what happened last night... Maybe for the clueless Liam. "I must be sick or something," I said with a forced smile, hoping to hide the lie.

"Aw I'm sorry babe," Jenna said. "Let me know if you need anything." She was like the ideal older sister I had always wanted.

"Thanks Jenna," I smiled, then left the room.

What did I get myself into? I wondered as I buried my face into the pillow. This wasn't right; I didn't even know how I felt anymore.

"Ellie?" It was Zayn.

I walked to the door and opened the door half way. "Yes?"

My heart stopped as I saw the serious look on his face. It was painful for me to watch him like this. "Look. I-"

"Zayn you don't need to explain," I cut him off. "I get it-"

"No you don't."

His assertiveness scared me. He licked his lips as he searched his words. "I... I don't have a good reputation. And if you've already made up your mind, it's alright. But I want you to know that it wasn't just a one night stand for me."


"I like you Ellie."

I just stared at him blankly as I tried to process everything. "Zayn..." I tried so hard to choose the right words. "I...honestly don't know how I feel right now. I mean I don't want to judge you just by what I've heard. And I trust me, it's not like I made up my mind on anything." I took a deep breath, trying to fight back the tears I've been holding in for the past few days. "I just...don't know anything right now."

He gave me a smile, yet his eyes looked so sad. "I don't want to rush you or anything. I just want you to face me. As a person." He paused as he held my chin up and looked into my eyes. "And I'm very serious about this."

Tear streamed down my face.

He pulled me in to hold me tight. "You don't even know how much I like you babe."

I don't know why, but I felt so safe in his arms.

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