Chapter 16: Gabriel vs. Drey (Gabriel's POV)

Start from the beginning

“So are you coming or not? He’s actually wanted to meet my friends before, but I wasn’t too sure when to arrange everything.”

“Umm yeah, sure. I guess. Maybe while we’re on our way you can tell me about him.” 

Her face began to light up as she went into details about this guy. Apparently his name is Drey Johnson, it sounds highly familiar but I can’t put my finger on it yet, he goes to our school, and a whole bunch of useless things I can’t remember simply because I don’t care. I hope this dude isn’t an undercover douche ‘because it seems as though Saphire really enjoys his company. I didn’t notice where we were going until we were already there. It’s… it’s… it’s a FroYo Bar, right here on campus. Also not too far from the dorms either. Saphire didn’t stop talking until we were inside. She looked around and grabbed my hand when she found who she was looking for. Now I don’t mean to sound like a high school girl but, oh my gosh she is holding my hand. It’s so small and warm.

“Hey Drey,” she said as she let go of my hand to give him a hug. I was glad when it didn’t last longer than 5 seconds. “Okay so Drey you’ve always said that you wanted to meet my other friends so, Drey this is Gabriel, Gabriel this is Drey.”

“Nice to meet you Gabriel, Saphire has told me a lot about you,” he said while putting his hand out. 

“Same here. Not that I was actually listening,” I said the last part in my head while shaking his hand. Where are we in a job interview? We sat down, Saphire next to me-yes- and Drey across from us. They started talking and I would join in on the conversation from time to time, but I am mostly observing the way she acts around him. She isn’t as lay back as she is in the dorm but I wonder if my presence have anything to do with that. As for Drey he thinks I don’t realize it but he glares at me a little whenever I steal Saphire’s attention away from him, even if for a little while. This continued going on for quite some time.


“Umm if you two would excuse me I have to go to the little lady’s room,” Saphire said all lady like.

This made me snort because she is everything but a lady. There was this one time she just got up and said “I need to take a shit,” like anyone asked. As though she can see where my thoughts were she gave me a playful punch and a glare, which would’ve been terrifying if she wasn’t fighting a smile. As soon as she left and was out of earshot this is what I heard: “I don’t like you.” I turned to see Drey watching me and giving me the evil eye.


“I’m sorry I didn’t know I was here for your approval.”

“Well listen here buddy, I can tell that you like Saphire but you’re not gonna have her. She is mine and mine alone. So I would appreciate it if you would just go back to wherever you came from so me and Saphire-“


“Pause there you little Romeo reject. First of all it is Saphire and I. Secondly I don’t know who you think you are but Saphire is MY roommate so if I leave she comes with me. Last but certainly not least, Saphire does not belong to you she is not an object in which you can control, so I would appreciate it if when you refer to her you do it with respect. Capiche.” And cue the applause hat would usually come around this time in TV shows. Seriously, who does this guy think he is saying Saphire is his? I doubt this self-centered brat knows the first thing about Saphire.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2014 ⏰

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