「Chapter Nineteen」

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he will see the brightest starts in the darkest nights

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he will see the brightest starts
in the darkest nights

he will see the brightest starts in the darkest nights

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"I'm pregnant."

The rain is still falling down on their shoulders, causing them not to see each other, clearly.

He sniffs the cold air through his nose, and lets out a deep breath after a short time while having his eyes closed.

"And you're the father, Hoseok," She says, and leaves him in shock, knowing that he has not believed her, yet. "I have enough evidence to prove it."

She searches through her bag in order to find some papers which will prove that the child she is carrying belongs to him, and he is the father.

He grabs the papers out of her hands, and carefully, reads what has been written, not wanting to miss a single word.

Unfortunately, she is right.

It is his child, after all.

He becomes angry, and throws the papers at her face. She kneels down in order to pick them up from the ground, but when she holds her head up, she can no longer see him.

He is gone.

On the way home, Hoseok can not stop thinking about what has just happened, earlier

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On the way home, Hoseok can not stop thinking about what has just happened, earlier.

It looks like a nightmare which is feeding on his soul, a nightmare which is dragging him down, a nightmare which is never going to end.

When he arrives home, he pulls the key out of his pocket to open the door. Not being able to stop his hands from shaking, the key falls down on the floor, and he kneels down to pick it up, but he becomes dizzy, and leans against the wall while covering his eyes, tightly.

"Mr. Jung, are you alright?" A neighbor who is having a yellow umbrella in his hand, comes closer to Hoseok, and waits to hear him talking before leaving him at his door. "Do you need help?"

"Once, she said that she wants to live a better life without me, now, she has fucking returned, telling me that she is carrying my child," Ignoring his neighbor, he starts talking with himself, and laughs. "Isn't it funny? Isn't it fucked up?"

The neighbor puts the yellow umbrella aside, and places his hand on the boy's waist in order to help him stand on his feet. "You don't seem okay."

Knowing that he is scaring the shit out of his neighbor, he starts to cry while he has not stopped laughing, yet. "I'm fine. I'm okay," He continues to laugh, and covers his face with both of his hands in frustration. "But what is happening to me?"

Worried, the neighbor leads him inside the house, and says, "Mr. Jung, if you need anything, you can—" But, he is cut off when the boy falls over.

 Jung, if you need anything, you can—" But, he is cut off when the boy falls over

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