"I'm so sorry Zana, I had no idea about what he had planned. I'm so sorry. Please don't leave San Francisco with my grandchild, I beg of you." She cried out.

It tore at my heart to hear her cry out on the phone because of his son it made me also cry.

"He's not going to bother you anymore. I have already taken care of everything. When we return I'm going to help you get a divorce from him and still keep the baby so please I beg of you do not leave with my grandchild"

Hearing what she said comforted me, he wasn't going to bother me anymore or take my baby away from me. I trusted Mrs Amelia and I knew she was good at heart and if she said everything was taken care of, then everything was taken care of.

"Alright Mrs Amelia. I won't leave San Francisco"

"Thank you so much Zana"

I hanged up a minute later letting out a breath I had been holding in. I felt lighter, as if a burden had been lifted off me. The baby kicked at that moment making me gasp. I smiled down at my belly as I rubbed it.

"We are going to be fine angel" I cooed to myself more than to the baby.

It was quarter to five in the evening and I couldn't wait to tell Kyle the good news and also for the takeout food.

Four Weeks Later
True to Mrs Amelia's words, she really did handled the situation. I hadn't seen or heard from Alex since the last time he came to apologize. I couldn't get him out of my mind though, as much as I didn't want to think about him. I was still at the beach house and I had asked Kyle if I could stay for some months and he had heartily agreed. I loved the beach house for it was closer to the beach and it was a one story house with no stairs, added bonus.

I had managed to fit a hanging bassinet, a rocker chair, a dresser and a changing  table in my room, well Kyle had done most of the work, I just supervised. He had really outdone him with transforming the small space by the window into something beautiful. I went with neutral colors to be safe since I didn't know about the gender. I really couldn't wait for the baby to be born. Now all I was left with was the baby's clothes and other necessities.

It was a Friday morning and the sun was out and bright, the uber I had ordered for was taking too long to get here. My car was still at Alex's house and I didn't know how to go pick it up. I paced around the front of the porch in an oversized cut off t-shirt and a pair of stretchy leggings with slides. The back pain hadn't subsided either, it had gotten worse over the weeks and I just didn't know what to do about it.

The uber driver arrived six minutes pass nine, finally. I got into the backseat of the car and greeted the driver with a smile. He replied with curt nod and started driving.

It didn't take long till we got to the mall, I paid him and got out of the car and headed inside the mall.
I moved from one baby store to another checking out baby stuff, their prices and quality. Five stores later, I had four bags full of baby clothes, lotion, wash, bottles, toys and others. My feet were tired, my bladder was about to explode and I was starving. First I had to go to the bathroom to relieve myself and then head to the food court.

Bags in hand after my trip to the bathroom, I made my way to the food court. I ordered for hamburgers and some fries and iced tea, it's been a while since I had those. I stuffed my face with the hamburger when I got them, savoring the taste of it.
I ordered some to go to eat at home. It was 2:15pm when I stepped outside the mall balancing four shopping bags and a takeout bag in my hands. Now how to get all this stuff back home was my problem. I was dead tired and my back pain was getting worse, not to mention my swollen feet.

I started typing away on my phone to order for an uber, again. I really needed to get my car back. It indicated that it would be here in 3 minutes. I stood outside patiently waiting as I answered some of my emails and texts to pass time. My attention was on what I was doing that I didn't notice when someone came to stand by me.

"Can I help you"

I cocked my head to stare up at the person who just spoke since I really didn't hear what was said. My heart skipped a beat as white teeth smiled broadly down at me. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was Alex!!, standing right in front of me. And he looked soo good and dashing in his suit. What was he doing here? The mall was a public place but what was he doing here, I mean rich people didn't come to places like this, especially him. I hurriedly turned and started walking way from him, I still hadn't forgotten the fact that he had wanted to take my baby away from me or the fact that I was in love with him.

"Zana, c'mon, can I just talk to you for a moment?"

I ignored him and kept on walking as he followed behind.

"Please?" He pleaded.

That made me turn to face him.

"Can I at least give you a lift"

I wanted to agree so badly but then this was fire I was playing with, and I could get burned, again. I checked my phone and the three minutes had passed into seven minutes. Where was this uber driver? I was in a hurry to get home and rest. I decided against better judgement to take up his offer.

"Fine" I muttered underneath my breath.

He wrestled the bags from me since I didn't want to give it to him and led me to his car. This was going to be one uncomfortable ride, I mentally retorted as I got into his car.

 This was going to be one uncomfortable ride, I mentally retorted as I got into his car

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