47- Everything's Fine

Start from the beginning

His silver eyes briefly glanced off of the road and in my direction, seemingly calculating my reaction. Once he took in the faint smile on my lips, his own raised in a triumphant lopsided grin.

"I know a lot of people that would disagree with that statement," he teasingly rebuttled.

I couldn't really comment on his remark, for the truth was evident. If someone took a look at Noah and had to describe him in one word, 'dork' would be the last thing that came to mind.

After that, he reached down to grab his phone, which he had set on the cup holders between us.

"You're going to make me hungry if you play more food advertisments," I half joke.

He shrugs his broad shoulders. "I already made myself hungry, so I'm done with those. This is something I know you'll love though."

Curiousity suddenly blooms in my chest like a flower in spring, although I keep my mouth shut as I impatiently wait for him to press play.

Once he does, I'm lost in the land of music. I'm captured by the beginning, humming the beginning guitar riff almost immediately.

"Well looky here looky here ah what do we have?

Another pretty thing ready for me to grab

But little does she know that I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing

'Cause at the end of the night it is her I'll be holding."

I'm a bit shocked he played this song, for I vividly remember our first car ride together where Noah clearly stated how much he despised my favorite singer. Yet, here we are, listening to "Runaway Baby" by Bruno Mars vibrate the speakers.

We arrived at the school shortly after the song finished. Noah parked out of the view of the people in the parking lot in precaution of keeping our cover.

Now it was time for me to leave him and enter back into the land of reality. I muttered an apathetic goodbye, but as soon as my hand grazed the door handle, Noah grabbed my hand that was closest to him, sending electric chills down to my bones.

With a cautious slowness, his other hand let's go of the wheel, extending so he can grab my other hand as well and bring it closer to him. My breathing hitched as I lost myself in his slate hued eyes, which are one of the only pair that I can actually latch onto without activating an erratic response.

"I hate to see you like this. You've been through so much, and I just want to let you know that I'm here. The last thing I want to do is see you hurting. With that being said. . . is there any way I can convince you to talk with your parents? I'll tell them myself if you don't want to speak of the subject."

A soft sigh escaped my lips before I quietly responded. "No Noah. I don't think so. Besides, I have you, remember?"

"You could teach a mule a thing or two," he whispers with a shake of his head. Afterwards he let's go of one of my hands, which disappoints me, but my temporary disappointment is masked when he brings the hand up to caress face.

We stay like that for a couple seconds, and for a moment I'm positive he's going to kiss me again. My eyes trail down to his lips, but once he notices, he drops the hand, inching away from me a bit.

"Just remember they can help you better than I can. I don't want you going through everything alone when I'm not there," he had said, giving my opposite hand a final squezze before letting go of me completely. A pleading tone had been hidden within the masculine depths, and it drove me to do as he said then and there.

But now I'm actually in the situation and I'm not as convinced.

My mother shifts the car into reverse, pulling me back into the present.
"Hi sweetie, how is your project going along in Science?"

'Project', a.k.a Noah's convincable excuse for my tardiness.

The sad thing is that I actually wish the project was the reason I'm late to show up. Don't get me wrong, I hate projects just as much as the next teenager, but life would be thousands of times easier for me both physically and mentally if that was the only thing that happened today.

"Good. We finished today," I respond, putting emphasis on my point by pulling back my lips in a smile. The problem is, it sounds like I say the words through gritted teeth, and I'm sure the smile doesn't look too convincing either.

Cue the red lights. Her head snaps to my direction, azure eyes narrowed and shooting daggers at the same time.

"What's it on?" She inquires, suspicion prominent in her voice.

Uh oh. My eyes frantically glide on the scenery outside, desperately searching for something that will trigger a piece of information I've already learned in Science that can somehow get me a ticket out of this situation. It's not easy, for the only thing that protrudes to me as the blur of objects come and go are nothing out of the normal. Just dozens of trees.


I can practically feel a lightbulb pop up above my head as I experience an epiphany of an idea.

"Photosynthesis," I briskly blurt. I then tear my gaze away from the cluster of oak trees and back towards my mom, gauging her reaction.

Apparently, my all too vehement answer is enough to confirm her suspicions.

"Somethings up with you," she accuses. "Are you not telling me something? And don't bother lying because I'll know if you do."

I have to face it because there's not another option available at this point; I have no choice but to tell the truth. She's my mother for crying out loud and the more I lie and fib, the worse the situation will become. Besides, Noah is set on me telling her what happened. He's also adamant that she can help me with what I'm going through.

No backing out now. Here goes nothing. After throwing my head back into the headrest and closing eyes, with much reluctance I force the truth out of my mouth.

"Actually, I am hiding something. You see, today was . . . eventful. There was this boy―"

"Noah!" she interjects. "It's about him, isn't it? Did something happen between you two?"


My eyes snap open, instantly adjusting to the light as I whip my head towards her. If I would've been drinking something, there's no doubt I would've sprayed it's contents everywhere.

"What makes you think that?" I hazardly choke out. Even though her answer isn't what I was aiming for, she's still not too far off from something else. Something did happen between Noah and I.

"I don't know, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm sorry. I've just been really worried that ever since we moved you would become secluded and unsocial with the people at your new school. I know you have friends now, but I guess I'm anxious you will get hurt by them and become the unhappy girl I don't want you to be."

Almost instantly my heart tightens. My mom's only wish is for me to have what's best for me: happiness. My happiness is her happiness. How can I ruin that picture for her? I'd rather not drive her into a frantic frenzy over something that's done and over with. Besides, I can deal with the resulting visions and nightmares without professional help, despite what Noah suggests.

I can do it all in return for her own happiness.

"No, it's okay mom. Everything's fine."


If you guys haven't noticed, I changed the cover of my book! I love it so much and I think it looks so much better. Opinions?

I hope you liked this chapter of my book! I'd appreciate it if you voted and possibly commented some feedback! I'm trying to become a better writer :)

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