36- Risen Feelings

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Chapter 36 | Risen Feelings

I entered in the Queen Awards and got second place :) Also, we reached #1 in #love-hate!! Thanks guys! Qotc is where's your favorite place to eat?


"Thanks guys," I tell them, a pleasant smile plastered on my lips.

Inside however, I'm busy trying to gauge Noah's reaction. It's almost seems as if he's jealous in a way, but then again I never know for sure what's going on in his head unless he tells me.

His reaction also has more of an effect on me than I expect, and the sharp pang of guilt that follows soon after his expression changes surprises me. It feels as if I'm struck full force with it, and if that's not enough to confuse me, afterwards a flow of an unexplainable emotion courses through my head, prohibiting my inhibitions for a good few seconds by it's strength.

"I told her earlier that we can go on double dates now," Taylor informs Sam, her clear cut voice snapping me out of my erratic trance like state.

Keeping the smile on my face, I nod in response to prove her point. I specifically make sure my eyes are only on Sam, purposefully keeping them positioned away from Noah's now guarded and unreadable cloudy grey eyes.

The way in which he acted was like somewhere somehow he had an off button, and someone reached over to switch it to off. Only one thing was said for him to completely shut down and become closed off, which I guess seems typical from someone's viewpoint who doesn't know him and believes his tough guy facade.

I know a lot about him though, unlike the others. He's opened up to me more than he has most, and to be honest I've gotten used to him being that opened up. Now that we're back to square one, I don't know what to do.

Oblivious to everything going on inside of my head and between me and Noah, Taylor continues in an elated manner. "In fact, we should all go on dates together!"

"What do you mean, we?" Asks Carolynn quizzically, light colored eyebrows raised in interest.

"All of us, duh! Noah can go by himself though because he's not inviting Victoria for obvious reasons, but I can go with Sam, Kirsten can go with Chance, I can find someone for Axel, and you can go with this cute guy from my Spanish class!"

My electric blue eyes widen as realization where this conversation is going becomes clear. Aware I'm basically the only one who can stop Axel's potential hurt ―since I'm the only one who knows about Carolynn and Axel's situation― I quickly open my mouth to say something that will stop Taylor. However, I'm too late to halt her from speaking up again since she's already on a roll, because when she talks, she talks.

"Oh yeah, he seems right up your alley. The perfect guy! He's a blond, and I'm pretty sure he has brown eyes. He's mellow too, and . . ."

I try not to flinch at the unintended insults she flings at Axel like multiple boomerangs as she names the characteristics of the perfect guy for Carolynn. Each description describes someone the complete opposite of him, therefore implying he isn't the perfect guy for her.

Carolynn doesn't seem to be liking this either. As Taylor continues to babble about this guy, she becomes wary, for she shifts uncomfortably in her seat.

I attempt to assess Axel's reaction, which doesn't take much effort. Unlike Noah's, Axel's emotions are always visible on his face. He never tries to hide anything, which I envy. He's the most open person compared to everyone seated at this table, that's for sure.

That being said, it's quite obvious Taylor's words take a great toll on him. Strong feelings of some unidentifiable emotion seemingly bubble up to the surface of his face, a flash of hurt registers in his darkened green orbs, and he purses his lips in clear displeasure.

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