#12 Your Birthday Wake Up

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"Y/N!! Wake up beautiful!" Niall exclaimed as he climbed over you and showered you with kisses. He then laid his head on your chest.
"Niall I'm tired!" you giggle.
"That's not the attitude for today y/n," he said looking up at you frowning.
"Give me one reason why I should leave this comfy bed."
"Um, hello? It's your birthday!"Niall said sitting up next to you.
"Eh not good enough," you reply wrapping yourself in the duvet as you turn away from him.
"I'm making pancakes," Niall offered.

A huge smile spread across your face. You leaped into Niall's arms, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"That's better," you say kneeling close to him as you kiss him on the cheek.
He laughed, "Happy Birthday Princess."
"Thanks, baby." You then pressed a kiss onto his soft lips.
"Now hurry up and get ready! I've got a big day planned."
You gave him one last peck on the lips and quickly scurried off to get ready for the amazing day that awaited you.

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update. Here's a quick imagine for you. I know it's not that good but something's better than nothing eh? Anyways, I always say this but please do request ideas so I can make these imagines more enjoyable! Xx💞

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