#26 Amusement Park

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It was late afternoon on a Saturday and you hadn't left your couch or your laptop from the morning. You were working on an assignment and were still in your pajamas with your ponytail almost completely undone. Your assignment was due at midnight on Sunday and you were finally up to your conclusion. As you were about to start writing it, you heard a car pull up into the driveway. You looked up at the clock and noticed how late it is. Shocked at the realisation of how much work you'd finished, you closed your laptop and told yourself you'd complete the rest tomorrow. You ran to the window and peeped through the blinds, to see who pulled up. It was Niall! He was out with his mates for the day and told you he'd be back before the evening. You were happy at how fast the time had gone by because you didn't realise how long he was gone for. You quickly made your way to the front door and opened it for him. He climbed up the front stairs smiling and seemed to be carrying a bag of what looked like takeaway food from a restaurant. You hadn't eaten all day and your stomach rumbled at the sight of it. Niall heard and let out a hysterical laugh.

"Sounds like someones hungry," he chuckled.
"I've been working all day," you confessed while squeezing your stomach.
"It's a good thing I bought plenty of leftovers."
You pulled him into a hug and slipped the bag of food into your hands.
"Thank you," you giggled running into the kitchen.
He laughed as he closed the door behind him.

You sat on a barstool at the kitchen counter and began demolishing all the leftovers. Niall followed you into the kitchen and sat beside you.

"Guess what?"
"Hm," you replied; your mouth full of chicken.
He shook his head and giggled, "We're going out tonight."
You swallowed, "Where do you have in mind?"
You let out a hearty laugh.
Niall looked confused.
"Wait, are you serious?" you asked.
He chuckled, "Yeah, why?"
"Just seems a bit out of the blue."
"I'm trying to be spontaneous here Y/N," he explained.
"Alright, alright. I'm down," you agreed.
He clapped his hands together as he got up from his seat "Yus!"
You jokingly rolled your eyes and continued eating.
"Oh, by the way, Y/N, you might want to take a shower."
You let out a shocked expression and playfully punched him.
He kissed the top of your head, "I'm only joking, love."
You narrowed your eyes at him as he walked away still chuckling.

When you and Niall arrived at Disneyland it was quite dark which made you even more excited. You didn't have to wait in very long lines because Niall had already covered all of that. There were a few paparazzi's around but none of that mattered. You snuggled with Niall as you waited for the next ride and Niall made sure to hold your hand on every single ride just in case you got scared. You laced fingers as you walked around the park and Niall bought you any late night snack that your heart desired. You felt like you were in another world and never wanted to leave. It was truly the most enjoyable night, filled with laughter, romance and it was lovely to just spend time with one another.

Hello! I'm extremely sorry for the very late update! I've been so busy with school and literally had no time at all but I managed to write this quick imagine. I say this all the time but I would really appreciate it if you PLEASE leave suggested imagine scenarios in the comments. It would help me out a lot with my updates. Sometimes I lack inspiration and I need a creativity boost so PLEASE feel free.
Otherwise thanks so much for reading! I check up on my notifications regularly and I see that a lot of you are voting and adding this to your lists and I just want to say a MASSIVE thank you for all the love and support and thank you for being patient with me. Unfortunately, you're going to have to be patient with me a lot of the time due to my schedule but I will definitely try to update as much as possible.
Lots of love! 💗

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