#32 His Decision (Part 2)

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18 months later

Your P.O.V.

You couldn't believe that you graduated from college! The day seemed like it would never come, but here you stood with a diploma and a full-time job waiting for you next month. The firm you did your internship at really liked you and offered you a job at their office in L.A., so of course, you accepted.

You looked into the crowd after shaking your professor's hand and caught sight of all the people you loved. Your mother was crying, your father was cheering louder than anyone else, and your sister smiled broadly as she filmed the whole thing.

After the ceremony, you met your family and greeted them with hugs and kisses. They sang your praises and dealt out compliments, making you feel even more proud of yourself. But you couldn't help feeling that someone was missing.

Suddenly, someone snuck up behind you and slipped their arms around your waist.
"Hey you," he whispered in your ear.
You chuckled as he kissed your neck.
You turned around to face him and give him a proper kiss.
"I'm so proud of you, Y/N," he commented.
You smiled.
"I'm proud of you too, Josh," you replied.

You met Josh during your internship. You were the only two students placed in the company. You two spent a lot of time together and even helped each other out when it came to your assignments and studying for exams. Over time, you became very close and started dating. He was offered a position in San Diego, which was a 2-hour drive to L.A. But even still, you both promised that you'd make it work.

"So, are you all packed?" he asked.
"Yes, and honestly, I am kind of nervous to go back to L.A," you confessed.

Josh knew about your past, and he understood.

"That's understandable, but you're a different person, Y/N.  You're a businesswoman now! You won't be associating with celebrities anymore, and L.A. is huge, so I doubt you'll run into him."

You shuddered when Josh brought him up.

You nodded and quickly changed the subject.

"Let's go get something to eat."

1 week later

Today was the day that you had finally finished unpacking all your things. You loved your new apartment and couldn't wait to call it home soon. You still had another week to yourself before you started work. You felt super glad that you came to L.A. two weeks earlier to get settled into your new life.

As you threw yourself on the couch to watch some TV before bed, your phone rang. It was Josh! The last time you spoke to him was on your first day here. You had texted him here and there, but he hadn't answered any of your calls since. You felt so relieved that he had finally called you and that you could hear his voice.

You picked up, "Hey, you! Long time no talk, eh?"

But there was no answer on the other side.

"Uh, hello?" you tried again.

Still nothing.

You figured that he had butt dialled you, and you were just about to hang up until you finally heard a noise from his side. However, it wasn't his voice. It was a girl's voice, and it sounded like she was giggling.

You strained your ear to hear more until you did.

You heard kissing noises and soft moans that definitely belonged to Josh.

You felt the rage burning through you, and all you wanted to do was make yourself known, but you bit your tongue, hoping that this was all some big misunderstanding.

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