#7 Lazy Day

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You were staying with Niall for a few weeks in London. He had the day off so the two of you so planned to spend it together.

You woke up from your sleep with Niall's arms wrapped around your waist and your body tightly pressed against his. You squint your eyes to look at the time. It was 12 pm. You wiggle around to face him, your faces an inch apart. You lean your head forward and softly kiss his lips and you feel them kiss you back. You pull away and watch as Niall's eyelashes batt against his cheek as he tries to open his eyes.

He squints at you and smiles, "Morning, beautiful." He pulls you into his chest
"Morning babe," you giggle.
"What'd ya wanna do today?"
You climb out of bed and make your way to the window to draw the curtains open. Niall shields his eyes and you look outside to see it pouring rain.
You turn to him, "Let's chill at home and watch telly. Maybe order a pizza?"
He just smiles at you.
"What?" you chuckle.
"How do you look so stunning even after you've just woken up?"
You shrug and now you begin to smile. He gets up and makes his way to you. He kisses your forehead, "Okay let's get the day started."

You two spend the rest of the day watching movies and eating pizza and ice cream. You spend most of the time in Niall's arms, resting your head on his chest.

It was now night time and you just finished watching The Titanic which you both hadn't seen in a long time. You look up to Niall with tears in your eyes and see that he is also crying.
"Aww babe," you say comfortingly.
He quickly wipes away his tears and you laugh. He then wipes a tear rolling down your cheek and kisses you gently and then holds you as the credits roll. You begin to yawn.
"Tired?" he asks.
You nod.
He turns off the TV and looks at the mess around the both of you. You know he's going to clean it because of his OCD.
"Niall leave it."
"No, come to bed with me," you plead holding your hand out to him.
He takes it and kisses it, "I will just let me clean this up."
You stand up, "Okay then let me help you."
He sits you back down, "No you're tired, babe."
"Fine but I'm still keeping you company."
He nodded.
You watched as he picked up the pizza boxes and made his way into the kitchen. You tried to fight your sleep but it won and you were out like a light.

A few minutes later you felt Niall pick you up bridal style and carry you up the stairs. You were too tired to say anything so you just allowed him to tuck you into bed and you felt him kiss you on the forehead before he laid next to you.
"Love you Ni," you whispered
"Love you too y/n. Goodnight darlin."

He then pulled you towards him wrapping his strong arms around you and you both drifted to sleep happily.

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