#5 You Come Out As A Couple Publicly

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You and Niall have been dating for exactly 6 months now. You were celebrating your 6 month anniversary by spending the whole day with each other doing things you both love.
You were both sitting on the couch in Niall's house with guitars in your hand as the golf channel was playing in the background on the tv.
"Hey y/n, I think it's time that we make this public." Niall says suddenly.
"What? You mean us?"
"Yeah, only if you're ready to," he reassures you, "because I definitely am, and I just wanted you to know that."
You ponder the thought for a moment.
"Yeah, okay, I mean I love you and I want to experience my time with you in the same world as you," you finally admit.
A broad smile plasters across his face as he hugs you.
"I love you."
"I love you too Ni."

"Okay so how do you wanna do this." He asks as he releases you from his embrace.
"Hmm, I'm not sure. How do celebs usually come out with a 'significant other'?"
He chuckles, "Honestly, usually a few pictures of them showing PDA in front of the paparazzi do the trick."
"I think it's more respectful towards the fans if you tell them yourself," you suggest.
"True," he thinks for a minute, "Okay, I got it! I'll post a pic of us on Instagram and caption it 'my bundle of love'."
You giggle, "Okay let's take the picture."
He eagerly grabs his phone from the coffee table and opens up his camera app.
"Ready?" He asks, holding the front camera of his phone up.
"Wait, what if they think we're just friends?"
"You're right. It'll cause a lot of confusion."
You smile, "I got an idea!" You set a timer on his phone and position it on the coffee table. You cup his face in your hand and kiss him passionately on the lips. You hear the sound of the photo being taken.
You both examine it.
"How's that?" you ask him proudly.
He opens up Instagram, selects the photo, captions it and then hovers his thumb over the share button.
"Are you absolutely sure y/n?" he asks again.
You press his finger down and watch the loading bar fill up.
"Yeah Niall I'm sure," you reply as the post uploads, now available for the world to see.

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