#8 Meeting His Family

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"Niall, I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty nervous."
"Don't be love, they'll love you," he assures you kissing your hand as he looks at the road ahead of him.
"What if they don't?" you ask unsatisfied.
"I love you don't I?"
"Well, yeah-,"
"Then chances are that someone in the room will love you just as much. I mean I am related to all of them."
You giggle, feeling a little bit better.
"So who's gonna be there?"
"Umm, my parents, Greg, Denise, Theo, Sean..." he went on for another minute listing off at least 20 names.
You exhaled loudly when he finished.
"Like I said, someone's bound to like you."

He parked outside Maura's house on a narrow street. The butterflies inside your stomach were going mad. You both stepped out and walked to the front door. The door flung open before either of you could knock and you were happy to see Sean (Niall's cousin).
"Took you two long enough," he laughed holding a beer in his hand.
You and Niall both hugged him and entered the house. A chorus of Irish accents filled your ears.
"I've never been surrounded by so many Irish people," you whispered in Niall's ear.
"Get used to it darlin," he whispered back, pecking your cheek.
You both made your way to the living room where the telly was on and all the men were cheering loudly as they watched the rugby. Maura then approached the both of you.
"Y/n! It's so nice to finally meet you, sweetie," she exclaimed pulling you into a hug.
"Thank you! It's a pleasure to meet you uh-" you paused unsure what to address her as.
"Just call me Maura. No need of any of that formal rubbish."
You laughed, feeling all of a sudden very comfortable, "Thanks for having us over Maura. You have a lovely home."
"Oh thank you, darling. And of course! I've been wanting to meet the lovely lady who makes my little Ni so happy," she said wrapping an arm around Niall's waist as he kissed the top of her head.
"NIIIIALLLLL!!" you heard a group of men call, probably Niall's uncles and cousins.
"Go, babe. I'll be fine from here," you tell him.
"You sure?"
"Yes, she'll be fine. I'll look after her," Maura assures him.
He kisses your cheek before he makes his way to the lads.
"Come y/n, let me introduce you to the rest of the family."

You hit it off with everyone you meet. Especially Niall's dad Bobby who shares a similar taste in music as your Father. You two end up talking about the Eagles and Niall's childhood for almost an hour! You conversed here and there with his cousins, aunts, and uncles and they were all so sweet and seemed to really like you. Denise and Greg were lovely too and little Theo grew very fond of you by the end of the night he didn't want you to go home! You barely saw Niall the whole night except for when you ate dinner and the two of you sat together. It was now time to go home and Niall seemed to have a little too much to drink.

"Are you two okay getting home?" Denise called from her car.
"Yeah, I'm driving," you replied, wrapping an arm around Niall as you helped him into the car.
"Okay see you later y/n."
"Bye Denise," you waved as they drove off.
You made your way to the driver's side and got behind the wheel, starting the car.
"I'm really, really glad my family likes you y/n," Niall slurs.
"Me too Ni. They're such lovely people."
"I saw you and my dad talking for aaageess."
You giggled, "We were talking about you and music."
"What did he say?"
"That he's proud of you and he's happy that you found someone who makes you happy."
"I love my old man."
You chuckle.
"And you," he says looking into your eyes.
You kiss his cheek and begin driving back to your hotel for a goodnight's sleep.

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