#17 Sleepover

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It was a late, stormy night and you were cuddled up in a blanket, on your couch, watching a movie. It was about half way through the movie when you started to feel extremely tired. You so badly wanted to finish the movie so you began to fight your sleep. It was around this time when you heard a knock on your front door. You paused the movie and quickly woke yourself up completely. You peeped a look through the blinds to ensure it was someone you knew. Luckily it was and you quickly ran to the door.

In front of you stood a completely soaked Niall. His hands were folded under arms and he was shaking like a leaf.
"Hi babe, can I come-"
Before he could finish, you quickly grabbed him and pulled him inside, away from the cold.
"Geez Niall. What the hell happened?" you asked, closing the front door behind him.
"My car broke down a few blocks away and your house was the closest thing to safety and shelter. Plus it gave me an excuse to see you."
You giggled.
"Go take a hot shower and in the meanwhile I'll dry your clothes for you."
"Thanks Princess," he said kissing you on the forehead.

You chucked Niall's clothes in the dryer, lit the fireplace and made some hot chocolate for the two of you.

When Niall finished, he came into the kitchen wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was still wet and it spiked up in the most attractive way possible .
"Take a picture babe. It'll last longer," he teased.
"Oh please. Like I need anymore pictures of you."
He chuckled.
"I made you some hot chocolate," you said sliding the cup over to him.
"Ah you're the best!"
"I know," you agreed.

You both stood in the kitchen talking and sipping your hot chocolates while waiting for his clothes to finish drying.

When the dryer switched off, you took Niall's clothes out and handed them to him.
He joined you on the couch when he finished changing.
"Thanks a lot Y/N," he said with genuine appreciation.
"No problem Nialler. You staying the night?"
"Only if you want me to."
"Course' I do. You keen to finish the rest of this movie with me?" you asked.
"I don't care what I do, as long as it's with you."
That really melted your heart. You pressed a kiss onto his warm lips and he kissed you back.
"I love you Niall."
"And I love you Y/N."

The two of you spent the rest of the movie cuddling and kissing and you both ended up falling asleep in each others arms.

Hey guys! Here's a cute imagine for y'all. If you liked it, please vote for it so I know to do more of these things in future parts. Leave any requests in the comments!
Lots of Love xx 💋

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