#31 His Decision

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You had spent your whole summer living with Niall in L.A. but unfortunately, summer was ending and this was your last week together for a while. You missed your family terribly but that still didn't make leaving Niall any easier, and to make matters worse, college was starting and you knew this year was going to be full-on. You wouldn't even get the mid-year break because of your internship, so Niall would have to be the one visiting you.

This morning Niall was having a meeting with his PR and record team so you had the house to yourself. You decided to give yourself a little self-care and began your day with a hot shower and a face mask. Next, you slipped into your bathrobe and went downstairs to make some breakfast. There was some leftover pancake mix in the fridge so you prepared a stack and chomped it down in front of the TV. You then painted your nails, caught up on some Netflix, and got dressed for the day. Niall wasn't home yet and you were feeling quite productive so you decided to get a head start on some readings for college.

It was a sunny day outside so you thought it'd be a nice change to work on the picnic table in the backyard. You spread out all your resources out, placed your laptop on the table, and began reading and taking notes of information you felt you needed to retain. As you studied, relief washed over you because you knew that when Niall came home, you could spend the rest of your day with him and give him your full attention.

Niall's P.O.V.

I closed my eyes and shook my head in disbelief, "You can't possibly be serious! A non-stop year of touring! And you expect me to write my album while on tour? I haven't worked like that since One Direction! Are you guys nuts?"

My team exchanged worried expressions.

Suddenly a small woman at the edge of the table, who I've never seen before, spoke.
"Niall, we need to get you on top. After covid, all artists are at a setback. To keep you relevant, and also to pay those who work for you, we need people buying tickets to your shows and we need record sales."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! "So let me get this straight, you expect me to tour and put out an album simultaneously?"
"No! That's not what we're expecting at all," the woman replied.

I shot her an impatient look, but she pretended not to see it.

"You do the tour and write the album simultaneously. Releasing the album will happen straight after the tour," she continued.

My eyes nearly burst out of my sockets, "That means months of album promotion, interviews, and talk shows!"
She nodded, "That's correct."

I didn't like this lady and I didn't care enough to ask who she was.
I raised the tone of my voice, "And if I don't agree to this?"
She shrugged, "Then the people around you move on and you become irrelevant."

A chorus of gasps and whispers erupted around the table.

My mind was racing from one thought to the next, but every thought swam around Y/N.

I looked up to the head of my record, "Is what she's saying true?"
He nodded reluctantly, "I'm afraid it is."
"What about Y/N?" I almost whispered.
He relaxed in his chair, "She can join you on tour whenever she likes."
I shook my head, "No she can't! She starts college after a week and needs to stay put in the mid-break for an internship. After that, she'll be working full time and won't be able to travel with me for any album promotion. I promised her that I would be the one to visit her!"

The room became silent.

"Looks like you have a decision to make," the lady in the corner finally said smugly.

Your P.O.V.

Niall came home at 2 pm which meant that his meeting went overtime. You instantly felt worried as you peeked through the trees and saw a slumped-over Niall walking up the stairs to the front door. He looked exhausted and was wearing a troublesome expression. Maybe the meeting had gone badly.

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