#13 Sneaking Out

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This imagine is of you as Niall's daughter.

Niall's POV:

"Argh!! Where could she be Lou?" I asked slamming my phone on the counter after my twelfth attempt of trying to contact her.
"Niall I'm sure she's fine. Y/n's a responsible girl."
"Then why isn't she answering her goddamn phone?! I can't believe she snuck out!"
"Look, Harry and Liam have gone to look for her. I'm sure they'll find her."
I put my face in my hands and shook my head, "Maybe me having custody of her was a bad idea. Her mum was right. I'm a horrible father."
"Stop talking shit Niall. Your fought hard for her."
"I'm gonna try calling her again."

Before I could pick up my phone, the front door opened. I quickly ran to it in hope it would be y/n but it was just Harry and Liam.
"What happened?"
"I'm sorry man. We looked everywhere that you said she could be but we couldn't find her," Harry replied.
I felt the tears coming to my eyes and a big lump formed in my throat.  If something happened to her, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.
"So what now?" Liam asked.
"I'm calling the police," I replied.
"Are you sure you wanna do that Niall?" Louis asked
"Well, what else am I supposed to do?"

Suddenly a thud came from outside.
All four of us quickly ran out the door and found y/n on the grass beside the ladder she used before to sneak out. We all ran to her and picked her up. We carried her inside the house and plopped her on the couch.
She smelt of booze.
"Oh my god y/n! Have you been drinking?" Louis asked
"I.. caaannn.. explainnn," she slurred.
"Are you drunk? Y/n you're only 14!" Harry exclaimed.
Liam also jumped in, "Why would you do this?"
She began to cry. Part of me wanted to hold her and wipe her tears away but I couldn't do that. There had to be some sort of discipline here.
"Just go to your room. I can't look at you right now."
"But dad-"
"NOW Y/N!"
She ran upstairs crying. I know what I said was harsh but it had to be done.

"Thanks for your help lads," I said sighing in relief.
"I'm just glad she's safe now," Harry replied.
"I'm gonna go put that ladder away," Liam offered  
Harry nodded, "Yeah, I'll give you a hand with that."
"Thanks boys. You can go home if you like. You too Lou."
They all nodded and made their way out the door.
"If anything happens give us a call yeah?" Louis said.
I nodded, "Will do. Goodnight boys."

After a few hours I went upstairs and checked to see if y/n was asleep and she was. I then made my way to my bedroom and went to bed too.

Your POV:

I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. I stood up and stumbled a bit before I could find my balance. I couldn't remember anything from last night but I immediately felt guilty about it. I can only imagine how worried my dad must've been. I needed him more than ever now, but God knows if he wants to speak to me.

I stumbled into his room and he was in a deep sleep. I felt horrible about waking him up but I had never felt anything thing like this. I was only 14 and never had a hangover before.
I tapped him on his shoulder, "Dad."
He stirred and fluttered his eyes open.
"Dad, I don't feel well."
He immediately sat up and looked at me.

I felt the burning sensation crawl it's way up my throat. "Oh no."
I ran into his bathroom and just made it to the toilet as I began to throw up.
He came up behind me and took the hair tie from my wrist to tie my hair up. "It doesn't taste as nice on the way out as it does on the way in huh?"
I nodded guiltily. I spewed some more.
"I'm really sorry dad. I don't remember anything but I'm truly sorry."

I threw up a bit more and my dad went down stairs to get me some water.
I cleaned myself up and he came back, handing me the glass.
"Why did you do it y/n?" He asked, leaning against the door frame.
I took a sip of water, "Honestly Dad, I didn't want to go. Amber came over last night and practically forced me to go to this party. I know that's not an excuse for my actions but it's the truth. Someone must've spiked the drinks at the party because the last thing I remember was grabbing a can of soda. I'm really sorry dad."
He nodded and brought me into his arms, "Thanks for being honest with me sweetheart. But next time I want you to think for yourself instead of giving in to peer pressure okay?"
He pulled away, "But.... you're grounded for a week."
"Deal. I'm gonna need a week to recover from last night anyways."

Thank you niallsgirlos for requesting this imagine! If anyone else wants to request, please feel free to leave ideas in the comments! Xx💞

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