The beginning--> chapter 2

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*Five months earlier: January 15*

"Hello, can anybody hear me?" My voice echoed.

It was pitch black, the silvery moon my only source of light. The sky was cloudy grey, and the cool breeze blew fiercely, fingering through my hair. As each bright flash struck, the sound of gunshots to my ears followed. If that wasn't enough to bum rush me with fear, the bubbling of dirt, and the lack of sound from creatures sure did the job.

I had no recollection of how I'd gotten to this place. One minute I was at home, watching television alone in my room, the next minute I was standing in the middle of nowhere with the only thing in sight, a hill. I struggled up the steep dirt-filled hill and when I made it to the top, I was amazed to find holographic humans, dressed in shadows, kneeling on the ground, praying.

After Several minutes of walking through the crowd, a sweet-looking, beautiful, angelic woman approached me. Her skin glistened; her eyes were blue as the sea; and her curly hair was a luminous blonde.

Her eyes widened. "You're more beautiful than I expected."


She smiled and began walking. I was confused, but followed her.

"Where am I?"

"Soul Hill"

Ever since I was a toddler I had an ablilty to see the dead. I was told that spirits came from an underworld called Soul hill to find people like myself to help them move on and find inner peace. Soul Hill was where the passed souls of our loved ones waited patiently for the Day of Judgment. That's the day when their deeds would define their fate for eternity and they would be sent to, either, heaven or hell.

"Wait, Soul Hill? You can actually see me?" I stuttered

Though I could see spirits, I've never had the chance to communicate or even be noticed by them, but, for some weird reason, today was different.

"Well, of course I can. Why wouldnt I? Everyone can see you," she said

"Well, I've always been invisible to spirits."

She stopped walking and turned to look at me. "That's only in your imagination."

"Why are they all praying?" I asked.

"They've found their inner peace. They pray in patience until the Day of Judgment."

She walked behind me and grabbed hold of my shoulders, gliding me through the crowd. " You are known throughout Soul Hill and you are the one we've been waiting for. No time to waste; your father awaits."

It had been exactly four years since my father had died, and I wondered why he never came back to the human world. Was this reason why I was sent here? My father?

I yanked my shoulders from her hold and quickly turned to face her. "My father? Wait, what?" I was completely confused, yet also flustered with joy.

She smiled. "Yes, your 'father' awaits."

I meandered through the crowd, with her by my side. I had questions that I had waited long and hard for my father to answer and today was the day that my wishes would come true.

Suddenly, a few of the spirits had stopped praying and their voices echoed throughout the crowd.

At each turn I made whispers got louder and louder.

"Everyone knows why you're here."

"Don't trust her, she's evil!"

I was horrified and instantly stopped. How do they know why I'm here? I don't even know why.

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