Dark Magic

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Erza slowly fluttered her eyes open, squinting against the light streaming through the window. The musty smell of her surroundings made her shoot up with a gasp. Her armor clanked against the metal railing of the bed, making her jump. She stared down and grimaced at her precious armour, scratches and deep gashes covering it.

She scanned the other beds in the infirmary while swinging her legs over the bed. The simple motion bringing her pain throughout her body but she refused to show it.

The majority of her guild mates were laying peacefully, their chests rising rhythmically. Bandages were wrapped snuggly around their wounds, much like her. She made her way out of the infirmary, clashing with Wendy on her way out.

"Oh sorry." She muttered quickly, helping the Sky Dragon up.

"It's okay." Wendy replied in a worn out voice. "It was my fault. I should have been paying more attention."

Erza gave a small smile. "Are you okay? You seem tired."

"I am." She sighed, looking down at her feet. "I've been healing people since Lucy brought them in this morning with Virgo."

Erza's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't see Lucy in the infirmary. "Where is Lucy? Is she okay?" She demanded.

Wendy hung her head, eyes downcast. "I did my best." She squeaked in her already squeaky voice.

Erza gasped. "Where is she!"

"She's in the side room. I sent Carla to ask Porlyusica for help. Her physical wounds aren't too bad, but for some reason she won't wake up."

"Thank you for everything, Wendy." Erza smiled at her, placing a firm hand on her shoulder, trying to cheer her up before she headed towards the side room.

She quietly opened the door and peeked inside the room before completely entering it.

Lucy lay on the bed, a frown on her face as she mumbled in her sleep.

Erza felt a weird magic hovering around Lucy; something she's experienced before. She closed her left eye, scanning Lucy up and down, looking for the signs that would come with the magic she suspected.

"Hmm.. just as I thought." She mumbled to herself, nodding her head in affirmation at what she was seeing. This was indeed interesting.

"Why didn't we hitch a ride with Loke?" Gray groaned, the sun beating down on his head.

"Quit your complaining boy. At least you're alive." Makarov chastised, though his face showed that he agreed with Gray.

The walk back to the guild was brutal for the battered members of Fairy Tail.

Gray kept glancing at Juvia who was struggling the most. He took a deep breath and knelt down in front of her.

"Get on."

"Gray-sama must be tired. Juvia will be okay." She refused politely. She didn't want to be a burden to Gray.

"Quit your yappin' and get on." He coaxed, a little roughly.

He waited a few seconds and thought that he'd have to say something again but his heart fluttered when he felt her cling to his back.

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