Guild Mark

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Porlyusica grimaced. So she has amnesia, huh. She absent-mindely adjusted her cloak and evaluated the situation.

Natsu rolled onto the balls of his feet and then landed with a thud on his butt, a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Wait!" Lucy exclaimed. "I know who you are!" She grinned happily, excitement making her face glow.

Natsu jumped to his feet, his heart racing. "You do?!"

"Duh!" She said, as if that was the most ridiculous question he could ask her. "You're Salamander from Fairy Tail!" She exclaimed happily, pointing to his guild mark.

Natsu's face dropped. "Yeah... that's definitely me." He said half-heartedly, or rather, he was disappointed.

"Wow! I can't believe this!" She squealed happily, a wide grin spreading across her face. She looked down at her current state and cried out, "Oh geez. And I look like crap." She attempted to make herself presentable before sticking her hand out to introduce herself.

"Hi! I'm Lucy! I've been a big fan of you!" She smiled up at him, waiting for him to shake her hand. "I've always wanted to join Fairy Tail!" She chattered on happily, oblivious to how her words affected Natsu.

Suddenly, Natsu's face brightened up and he grabbed Lucy's hand, bringing the back of her hand up to her face as he pointed to it happily. "You're already a member! See!" He said a little desperately, hoping it would jog her memory.

"Is this some sort of joke?" She pulled her hand from his grip and looked at him as if he had a third eye.

"But Lucy, the guil-" He stopped short, his eyebrows furrowed together as he stared at her bare hand in confusion. Where was her guild mark? He could have sworn it was on her hand. He grabbed her and started searching for her mark, looking in some inappropriate places as well.

"Hey! Hands off!" She yelled as she smacked his hands away. "Geez. Sorcerer's Weekly never mentioned you were a pervert." She huffed, keeping a warey eye on him.

"Hey, old hag!" He whirled around to face Porlyusica. "What gives? Where's her guild mark?" Natsu felt his blood rushing through his body. He was starting to panic, something he was not very familiar with.

Porlyusica had a grim look on her face. This was more severe than she had thought. "It seems that not only has she forgotten you. But her memory has been so repressed that her body got rid of the mark."

"No way..." Loke mumbled in awe as he stepped forward to face Lucy. "Do you know who I am?" He was her Celestial Spirit afterall. Granted she met him after she joined the guild, but maybe there was a slim chance she would remember him.

"Of course!" She looked fondly at him. "A Celestial Wizard never forgets about her Spirits."

"Aw come on!" Natsu groaned, throwing his hands up in frustration. "You remember him but not me?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Loke asked, rather offended.

Natsu ignored him as he pushed Loke aside and grabbed Lucy by the shoulders, looking her in the eyes with a serious expression on his face. "Is the rash on your butt doing any better? I put more than enough cream on it so it should be."

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