Aquarius's Wrath

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"Fairy Law?" Gray exclaimed in shock.

"Would that really work without hurting Natsu?" Juvia asked, now propped up against Gray.

Makarov's brow furrowed as he reevaluated his plan. "I can't say for sure." He admitted, sighing as he turned to look at Natsu. The water slid down his hair in a rapid pitter patter. He had the most serene face Makarov had ever seen, spiking his curiosity a little as to what he was thinking in his state of limbo. "But I cannot allow any more of my children to be hurt. And I certainly cannot give up on Natsu."

Gray looked at Makarov for a second longer before nodding in agreement.

"You owe us one, you fire eating pyro." He muttered to himself, shaking his head.

Gray suddenly felt a presence that could not be ignored. He whirled his head around only to meet Aquarius's fierce gaze.

He was taken aback and Aquarius sneered at his reaction. Anger shot through him. "What's your problem?" He demanded, knowing full well from Lucy how much of a pain Aquarius could be.

Aquarius didn't respond and he grit his teeth. He muttered under his breath and Aquarius quickly lifted her hands above her head, ready to release her torrent of fury as she yelled, "What did you say?!"

"None your business." Gray responded curtley, giving her a smug smirk.

"This is why you don't have a boyfriend!" Aquarius yelled out of habit, bringing back her hands.

"What?!" Gray's face fell as he was at a loss of what to say. What kind of insult was that?

Juvia started to protest and Aquarius glanced at her.

"Gray-sama is a good man." She began, pushing herself off of Gray to meet Aquarius's eyes full on. "And Juvia loves him." She stated simply, completely unaffected while Gray hid his face in embarrassment, his cheeks burning red.

Aquarius's face softened, bringing down her vase to her hip as she stated, "You're one of the element four, correct?"

"I was." Juvia corrected.

"Water?" She inquired, staring Juvia up and down, taking note of her body's affinity for water. Juvia's eyes sparkled at Aquarius's change in demeanor and keen eye and she excitedly nodded her head.

The Ice Mage crossed his arms and huffed, causing Aquarius to glare daggers at him and begin to let loose her water bearing magic, careful to avoid Juvia.

"Woah! Woah!" A voice came out of nowhere and Scorpio appeared in front of Aquarius, holding back her vase.

"Relax. Why's my baby so upset?" Scorpio asked, wrapping his arm around her. She did a complete 360. "My love!" She exclaimed happily, her face brightening.

Scorpio kissed her cheek and a loud gasp was heard. Aquarius and Scorpio both turned their attention to a flushed Juvia who practically seemed to have hearts in her eyes.

"Wow!" She exclaimed in awe. "You're so lovey dovey with each other!" She placed both her palms on either side of her face as she shaked her head back and forth. "I wish Gray-sama and Juvia could be that way!"She stopped short and wrapped herself around Gray's arm, looking up at him expectantly.

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