The Wonted Migration

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Once Jack had his fill of crépes and tea, he yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"He looks sleepy," Mark whispered to Amy, "Shall I get him back to his little nest?"

"Cha," Amy murmured, "Resting will help him heal." Mark nodded and let his hand approach the human cautiously.

"Hey líten häna," he coaxed in a soft voice, "Time for bed." Jack was too tired to even bother reacting as the giant's fingers engulfed him. Mark carefully scooped their small patient up and carried him back to the bundle of furs they had made for him. Jack's head was drooping as he yawned again, and when Mark set him down in the soft fur he was too tired to even curl up. But Mark nudged the human's legs into the comfortable position he had seen Jack sleeping in, and then he pulled up a corner of the animal skin up to his shoulders. Jack's opened his eyes a little as the fur and warm skin brushed his shoulders, and he looked up with a distant gaze as Mark turned away.

"I'm going to go and get some more details from Tyler." When the warrior left, it seemed the last of Jack's strength had left him. With an exhausted sigh, he closed his eyes and sank into the plush covers, and fell asleep within seconds.

Jack looked around the room with wide eyes. "Signe?" He yelled. He strained his hearing and heard her familiar voice.

"Sean!" Jack turned and ran out of the room. He had to go down a corridor and turn a corner before he came across his worst nightmare. She was being dragged off by two guards, and in front of them was Damien, the ambassador of America.

"Signe!!!" He lunged for her. One of the guards behind them blocked him. "Signe!!" He screamed, trying to push past. Damien stopped and turned around. His eyes narrowed when he recognized Jack.

"McLoughlin," he said in a low voice.

"Damien! Stop, please!" Jack begged. Guards quickly assembled and held him in place when he tried to go to the American. "She-she's not sick with the virus! It's just a cold! Please! Just let it show you for itself."

"We can't take risks!" Damien snapped, "Now pipe down, this is your final warning."

"No!!!" Jack squirmed and tried to reach Signe, who was trying to get a final glimpse of him. "Let go of her!" He strained against the hands that held him back. "You son of a bitch!" He screamed. "Let me go!! Don't hurt her! SIGNE!!"

"Sean!" The woman shrieked before she was whisked out of sight. Jack yelled and was fighting to go after them, to save her. Someone shoved their elbow in his stomach, forcing the Irishman to fall to his knees and double over.

"I warned you, Jack," The man in charge threatened, "I told you to stop fighting against the rules. They're not just here for you to break! They're here to protect us all. And she has to go, so accept it!" He jerked his head at the two guards restraining Jack. "Take him to the brig. I've had enough of him." Jack didn't struggle when they hauled him up and dragged him away. He didn't even try to walk on his own. He closed his eyes and sobbed, shutting out the bewildered glances he got from passing by civilians.

I can't believe it. Just like that, she's gone. Hot, steamy tears full with grief dripped down his cheeks. One of the guards put their hand on one of the scanners and opened the thick door, and Jack was thrown into the small room.

"Enjoy your stay," the other guard said with a mock tone. The door sealed shut, leaving Jack alone with only a window the size of a hand. He lay there, curled up on the floor, overwhelmed with guilt and engulfed by tragedy. She didn't deserve this! It's not her fault! Jack was so choked up he could hardly breathe. She doesn't deserve to be Quarantined!

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