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Mark's eyes immediately snapped onto the forest as white flames erupted in the trees. "Issen fÿre!!!" He yelled, sounding the alarm. Issen fÿre, or Ice fire, was a type of fire that burned so hot that not even the Frösting could smother its greedy flames. Its center burned with a tint of blue, but the outer edges licked white hot tongues that now devoured the forest and started to spread. It was hungry.

The camp quickly came to life as the warriors stumbled out of their tents. Children wailed as they were comforted by their mothers, and Mark could hear Kathryn already barking orders for the fÿre brigade. He felt Ethan swiftly come to his side.

"How bad is it?" Ethan squinted at the rolling cloud of white smoke.

"Bad." Tyler came up to them.

"We need to isolate the fÿre and stop it before it reaches our border," he said.

"Cha, of course." Ethan sprang away to help the others collect water buckets. Tyler turned to Mark.

"Is there anyone out of camp?" He asked solemnly. Mark shook his head.

"No." But he hesitated. Earlier, just before the storm had unleashed its hot fury, he could have sworn he had heard screaming. "But I'll check," he added, "Just in case. But if it's just a mimic, I'll come straight back." Tyler frowned.

"Are you sure we shouldn't just roll call?" He asked. "It would be much less dangerous than gallivanting into the heart of an issen fÿre." Mark shook his head quickly.

"No, no I'll be fine," he insisted, "Besides, I never burn, remember?" Tyler looked back at the fretting tribe, and then he nodded at Mark.

"Just remember," he advised, "You do not have full control of your powers yet. Do not risk temptation, and stay out of the tongues as much as you can."

"I will!" Mark turned and ran toward the forest fire. It was already much worse by now. He could hear the crackling and popping as sap burned, and as he reached the borderline of the trees he unhooked his bow and quiver and tossed them into the grass. As soon as he entered the trees, Mark felt the temperature jump. Droplets evaporated in the presence of the furious fire, and Mark spied the edge of the issen fÿre just up ahead. With a deep breath, he charged through the white flames, and he was swallowed up by foggy smoke and hellish light.

Jack, meanwhile, groaned before coughing violently. The panther-like creature was long gone, had fled, but he was stuck. Stuck in the heart of the forest fire. Fog slunk through the cracked visor and filled his lungs drying his insides; hot, grackling flames made his blood run harder; and he was still in agony.

I'm gonna die, aren't I? He asked himself groggily. Through his delirious vision, he could see the flames edging closer to his tree: Soon, they would engulf the wood and turn him to ashes. He didn't have much time left. Weird, the weather went from ice cold and rainy, to... hot and burning, in the passing of a second. Jack couldn't wrap his head around it, but then again his blood was steadily draining from his ripped flesh, and his weak pulse pounded in his ears.

Jack tried to wriggle his feet and yelled out in pain. If he fell, he would snap his neck. If he somehow survived the drop, he would have to combat mother nature. And he knew he was way too weak to even make it that far. He wanted to close his eyes and pass out before more pain could come to him, but he couldn't tear his gaze away from the flames. They were beautiful. They flickered in the dark moody sky and danced in the wind, blinding Jack with their insidious light. He felt his muscles unwillingly relaxing as he slumped into a paralyzed gaze, turning numb. But as he watched, the flames suddenly wavered and took the shape of a gargantuan man. Jack's breath hitched, and he watched with breathless awe as a giant figure emerged from the fire.

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