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A/N This was the only draft I had on Wattpad before everything went to hell, so I think it's only fair you guys get to read this until I get everything back together. Enjoy :)

The cold march along the migration path was long, chilly, and arduous. But that was expected. Having tread this trail for many moons, the tribe was well prepared to endure the next few cycles of walking. At the front and back of the huge group were the strong and able-bodied men, along with light-footed hunters spotted across the flanks to protect and scouts. In the middle amassed the woman with their children, carrying their possessions on their strong backs or dragging them behind them on small carts. The young boys not quite old enough to be assigned their tasks would run around in games of chase and plunge through the growing snow. They all wore furs to protect their vulnerable skins, and the children often complained that they were cold or tired throughout the journey as they usually did. They longed for the easy season of Jeóbien's warm smile, and the planet's loving embrace of pastel verdure. But the time of color and warmth was over: The period of the long cold and the snow would reign for a while before softening back to the time of bounty.

Mark checked in on his passenger whenever no one else was looking his direction. He stood on the summit of a small hill now, peeking in the sling to see Jack sound asleep. Good, he doesn't look cold. Mark closed the pouch and studied the horizon. Far behind them was the plateau that housed their huts during the moon of Flowering Song and the moon of Jeóbien. Stretched out beside them was the burnt and now frozen forest Mark had rescued Jack from, and up ahead and beyond was the trail. Their home for the moon of Falling Leaves and the moon of Crÿstales lay yonder, past the mountainous region filled with many obstacles and treacheries that needed to be overcome. Gazing out at the horizon, the young warrior found himself wandering in his own thoughts.

"Protect the young, heal the wounded." Mark could recall his father's words from when he was a little boy. "No man left behind; a chieftain must put the lives of his people above his own. That's how it's been since the time of your great grandfather, and his forefathers before him," he had said, "You must remember that, when you're chieftain." Mark sighed. Guess dad never thought that he'd pass away so soon. He pulled a crisp web-shaped leaf off its branch and watched as it was whisked away by the wind. Did he know that he was sick then? That his body would slowly fail on him, trapping his spirit in a prison until that prison gave out?

He stood there for a spell when he heard Tyler's voice ringing out. He shook his head, clearing his thoughts, and peered down from his perch to see the tribe stopping for the night in a ridge sheltered beneath his hill. "Make sure the women and children have the most sheltered nooks," the chieftain was advising, "We'll need the patrolmen out on the boundaries. Hunters, try to find something to eat along the Misty Forest's borders. Ethan, take a couple of scouts with you to survey the path ahead." I should head back down. Mark cupped his hand over Jack's sling as he carefully dropped his way down the steep side of the hill. "Mark!" Tyler noticed the young warrior quickly. "There you are, how does the weather look?"

"There's a storm coming overnight," Mark informed him, "But there's enough time to fill our bellies and get the tents up, I reckon."

"Good. Go make sure Amy gets settled in, we need to keep those herbs and medicines safe." Mark nodded.

"Will do." He left Tyler to his duties and hurried to find his mate. He found her against the rocky wall, pushing sticks firmly into the ground so that a canopy might shelter them from the wind and snow.

"How is he?" That was the first question she asked when she saw him. Mark fumbled open the strap and peered inside.

"He's resting," he answered with a smile, "But I'm sure he'll wake soon."

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