CHAPTER 51: An awkward morning

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Like he was hurrying to get all of this furniture in here and didn't quite plan where to put them.
They did come from the underground after they successfully made a fake soul.

Did Sans bring me here? No one else could have. After I passed out at the lab, it was just Sans and Alphys.
How did I even get here?

"THE GREAT PAPYRUS HAS RETURNED!" I could hear Papyrus yell, and a door slamming behind him.
Despite the door being shut in this room, his voice sounded clear, and still loud.

How does Sans live with this?

"SANS! YOU LAZYBONES! GET UP! THE HUMAN IS MISSING!" Papyrus yelled once more.
Following after his sentence, there was a lot of crashes and banging. I could hear a dog bark throughout all of this as well.

"SANS NO!!" Papyrus scolded, from what it seemed like was they were having a conversation. But Sans' voice was too low to hear as clear as Papyrus'.

There was a moment of silence. A few muffles, almost. However, Papyrus quickly cut them off. "SANS DON'T YOU DARE FINISH THAT SENTENCE."

I could just barely hear Sans' muffles through the door over the crashes and glassware breaking, along with Papyrus' angered screams.

What the heck is going on over the other side of that door?-

"HUMAN!!!" Papyrus slammed the door open to Sans' room, the hinges going flying once again. Causing me to jump out of my skin slightly, as I did not notice how loud he was getting.

"Papyrus! How many times do I have to tell ya that she's aslee-" sans walked in, a bit annoyed at his brother's behavior.
Once he made eye contact with me, however, he looked back at Papyrus and coughed a bit. "I told ya she was awake."

You didn't play that off very well, Sans. As to be expected.

Papyrus looked at him with a weird look, but only shook his head and looked back at my adrenaline-rushed self. "HUMAN!! I CONGRATULATE YOU ON BEING OUR NEWEST COLLEAGUE AND MEMBER OF THE MAFIA!" Papyrus yelled more loudly than ever. "WE WILL COMMEMORATE THIS OCCASION WITH SPAGHETTI CAKE!"

He marched off fast, leaving only Sans and I at an awkward silence as he quickly went to the kitchen once more.

It feels like he's always in the kitchen.

"What was-" I tried to ask, getting a grip on this very awkward awakening by Sans' younger brother.

"Even I don't know." Sans shrugged, putting his hands into his pockets and relaxing a bit.

At this point I had gotten out of the bed and made it up slightly. Running my fingers through my hair slightly, I walked over to sans to begin to speak.

"SANS!" Papyrus popped his head out of the kitchen, causing us both to turn in his direction. "WHAT RECIPE IS THE CAKE SPAGHETTI?!" He exclaimed, as if this was an act of sin.

"1,256." Sans responded casually.


"Eh. I though it was a good number to bake up." He said, chuckling slightly.

"Did you just-." I said, leaving the rest of the sentence hang in the air slightly before Sans turned to me and shrugged, as if it were a daily exercise.

"OH MY GOD SANS! NOT AGAIN!" Papyrus yelled from the kitchen, clearly angry with his brother's pun.

"What? They batter be good. I can mix it up a bit if you'd like." Sans said, urging Papyrus on with his horrible humor.

Papyrus' angered cried continued while I shook my head and held the bridge of my nose in absolute defeat.
This was the 'solider' that beat me in combat. A lazy, pun-crazed skeleton.

"Anyway toots, How long has it been since you've been in those clothes?" Sans asked, chuckling a bit after my eyes widened in embarrassment.

I haven't changed clothes in quite a while. I have no other clothes!

"I see the look on yer face." He chuckled again, walking towards the door. "We'll drop by the store. We can grab some grub along the way too." He winked, motioning to the smoke-filled kitchen already.

"MY SPAGHETTI!" Papyrus shrieked in absolute horror, as he ran to the stove.

I quickly followed, coughing a bit as the sprinkler system kicked in, showering the apartment in water to put out the flames of the spaghetti.

"We'll start with new clothes." Sans said, leading the way out of the maze of apartments. "You'll need your new uniform for the Mafia."

New uniform? Like the ones similar to the rest of the people I've met so far?
That only seems to apply to four people.

"Oh. By the way kid, what's your last name?" Sans asked out of the blue. It was an odd question, so I answered straight and to the point. I didn't see anything wrong with it.


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