Hello Again

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Luke's POV

That night I went home feeling as if everything had been taken of my chest, atleast for now. I never talked about Claire anymore, for it always ended in tears and foul words. But with Grace, things were different. She understood, if not even more than me because of what she had been through. Sometimes talking helped, even if it was just for a little.

Once I got to our Studio I walked inside nearly smileing for the first time in ages. Calum appeared, grinning that grin of his, his black hair pushed in all directions. Bed head.

"I see your happy," he stated, plopping into our couch and facing me. He was like a 16 year old girl dying for the latest inside scoop at school. I chuckeled, taking of my jacket and seting it aside.

"I guess. I visited Claire and then Grace called.." I stopped mid sentence, seeing Calum with his hands on either side of his face, a goofy grin plasteted to his face.

"Go on," He prodded, raising his eyebrows in interest.

"We met up and talked. She lost her boyfriend. The situation is worse than myn but she understands. It was amazing to talk to someone who knew your level of pain," I rambeled on, seeing Michael come down and Ashton.

Michael's hair was changed to a white blonde, the black streak erased.

"Like it?" he asked, gestering to his new hair. "Amazing bro," I replied, smieling in response. Calum rambeled on to the boys about my day and they all giggled excidetly.

"Im going to bed," I yawned, taking my jacket to head to my room.

Calum groaned, turning on the couch to face me.

"Its early! How about some FIFA?" He yelled, running to set up the game. As intimadating as that was, I had such a mixed day I wasnt up for it.

"Im beat. Night," I yelled, already halfway to my room.

I took a steamy hot shower, leaving water dripping all throughout the Basin and the floor. I slipped into my boxers, slipping into my cool sheets as it enveloped me in my warmth. Before drifting off, I thought of Claire, all our shared laughs and kisses. As I did every night.

Somehow, It felt as if she was saying "Move on, Silly boy"

Authors POV

Xx Rebecca

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