Wherever You Are (Luke Hemmings Fanfic)

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I dedicate this chapter too Malik.... No words describe what you meant to me...

Tatum POV  (Yes, it's a girl)

   As soon as Claire called, I knew she wasn't okay. I barely heard her voice before the line was dead. I rushed out of my house filled with fiddiling family members, and drove to her apartment. It seemed their was red lights everywhere. As I got to her apartment, I dashed up the steps and pounded on the door, only for it to be locked. Quickly fumbling, I took the spare key Claire gave me and unlocked the door, running to her room. In some terms she looked peacefull, hugging Luke's penguin pillow, but then I saw the blood. It surronded her, looking as if she was stabbed, I was taken back. Quickly though, I grabbed her and slung her on my shoulders, gratefull for my height and strength. I ran her to my car, sitting her blood encased body in my passenger seat. Time for a new car. After locking her house up, I drove her to the Hospital, cussing the red lights. As I arrived, I took her out, not careing to lock my car. They could have fun with with a blood stained car. I ran through the doors, sobbing. A nurse saw me and ran towards me, taking in the scene. "What happend?" She asked,while setting Claire on a stretcher. "I dont know. She called me and I found her," I mumbeled. "She's pregnet," yelled the nurse, causing other nurses to scatter about. Claire is pregnet? How did I not know?

Luke's POV

   The minute I got a call from Tatum, I knew something was wrong. She wouldn't call her best friends boyfriend unless her reason was good. "Hello," I fumbeled, nervous. I heard Tatum sobbing, which made it hard to understand her. "What's wrong?" I almost yelled, getting panicky. "Claire.... Blood.... Pregent.... Unconsicious.." was all I heard in between sobs. "What!" I yelled, wrapping my free hand in a fist. I could imagine Tatum shaking her head, unable to speak. "Is she ok?" I asked, about to pass out. "I.. Dont.. Know," she said, trying to stop crying. "She's loosing to much blood! Can someone stop the bleeding!!! She'll loose the baby!" Yelled someone. I began to run, yelling "I need to go," and then Calum caught me, stopping me. "Dude, stop. What's up?" He asked calmly. How the hell was he calm? "Claire!! I need to go!" I yelled, right before my vision tunneled.

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