Seeing old faces

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Luke's POV

Driving back to our L.A Mansion felt both odd and reassuring at the same time. Last time I had been here was when I realized everything was all a lie. What could I trust now?

When I pulled up to the house the sunset was barely beginning to fade into the twilight of the night. As I stepped out of the car I could hear crickets chirp to signal the oncoming night time.
Los Angeles had a cold wind that swept by my shoulders and made me shiver. I better go inside then.

I took slow cautious steps to the front door and stopped only one foot away from the door. I took a deep breath and stared down at my beat up black Vans. I knew I was stalling but it seemed like the best thing to do. I was honestly scared to go back in there, I didn't know how much Calum would hate me. I didn't even know how much I hated him.
I had to think of what Calum tried to do for me. He tried to be a good friend and help me move on from the passing of the love of my life, all because he wanted to see me happy for the band and for myself. Right? But how is hiring someone who would just leave a week later going to help? I guess I had to find out.

Without looking up I filled in the one foot gap that separated me from the door, and with shaky hands I knocked on the cold wood three times. I closed my eyes and wished to Claire to give me strength.

After a few seconds I could hear padded feet thud through the house to the door and hear the click as the lock became undone. I was still staring at my feet when the door opened and the light from inside shown on me.

I looked up and saw Calum just staring at me with his mouth wide open.

I wasn't sure how long I had been gone. I left my phone at the hotel after I threw it in the pool and hoped everyone would forget about me.
I had probably only been gone a week or so. Maybe two.

In that time Calum had changed a lot. The tip of his hair was now dyed blonde, I'm guessing Michael had say in that, while his face looked saggy and exhausted. The skin that sat on his cheekbones now sagged slightly as the deep black bags under his eyes showed days of no sleep. Calum's lips were badly chapped as uneven skin seemed to poke out from his lips.
The only thing of him that looked normal was his brown eyes. They hadn't slept in days, but in the brown orbs now I saw hope that he clearly needed for a long time.

"Y-you're alive" stuttered Calum as he leaned on the door for support.

"That I am" I mumbled back, receiving no chuckle in return. Calum just leaned on the door as he stared at me in disbelief.

"Calum who the hell is at the door for you-" began Michael as he came from behind the door and stood next to Calum.

Michael's hair was now completely blond, just like his natural color, which seemed to make his green eyes pop even more. Michael too had his mouth wide open, watching me shiver in the cold of the night.

"Wanna come in?" Piped Calum, seeing me nod and closing the door behind me once I walked in.

Without me expecting it, Calum walked over to me and embraced me in a warm hug. It was just like all the times before, it was the hug I missed from my best friend. Michael soon followed suit and I was soon wrapped in a warm hug from my two best friends.

We didn't exchange words because words seemed that they couldn't fix what the situation had been. Just this embrace was enough to fix it all. It said that I was sorry and that I understood he wanted to help, it said he was sorry and just wanted me happy. It said it all and I smiled for the first time in a while.

After a few manly tears we all feel asleep on the couch together and I slept with a smile plastered on my face.

HI! Please don't hate me! I've been having family over and attempting guitar I haven't updated. I'll probably be ending this story in the next chapter. Sorry... BUT I'm going to start a Calum Fanfiction in its place. I'll be ending my other stories shortly to so I focus on the Calum one and update more. It will be like a where 5sos are werewolves and Calum falls for a girl.. I dont know lol.
I love you!
- Becca xx

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