Unknown Girl Unlocked

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Luke's POV

I woke up the next day groggy and lightheaded, but I felt like I had had more sex in the past two days than I have in my whole life.
Light poured from the open window an onto my naked body which I hastily covered up with the blanket. I had to fight for some of the blanket because it was so wrapped around her.

After staring at the girls petite figure breath in and out peacefully for a few minutes, I realized we hadn't been out of this hotel room for two days. I soon realized how muggy the air was becoming and I could feel a bead of sweat drip from my forehead. I hastily shot up out of bed while stubbing my toe, so I danced around in the dark howling in pain as quiet as I could.

I had to get out of this hotel room. For some reason the walls were closing in on me and if I didn't leave now I never would.

I grabbed my phone and used it's dim light to guide myself to the small bathroom before I shut the door quietly. I examined myself in the long elegant mirror that stood before me. I had deep black marks under my blue eyes from lack of sleep, my blonde hair was disheveled from all the sex, and it seemed my skin was more white than it had been before.

I frantically grabbed my Nirvana shirt and ripped black skinny jeans before putting them on and shooting out the door, past the sleeping mysterious girl.

As soon as I was outside I instantly felt better. There was a light mountain breeze that blew past and the morning call from birds was ringing in the air. I looked up at the blue sky and watched the orange and yellow sun slowly set between the two dark mountain ranges, and I smiled for the first time in awhile.

Claire and I would always watch the sunset togeather, and this simple act reminded me that things could be ok. That maybe she was watching me from above and saying "move the hell on".

I walked to a near by table and sat on top of it, resting my feet on the seat part of the bench. I kept watching the yellow haze of the sun light up the light blue morning sky, and I never realized how much I missed the outdoors.

I could suddenly feel myself being watched, and I knew it had to be the girl. I didn't care though I just kept staring straight ahead until she sat next to me.

"Figured you ran off by now"

She complained, and I chuckled at that. How haven't I ran off? The door was wide open. Hmm, maybe I actually felt comfortable around her. I knew what it was like to want to hide who you were, to hide all of your past. I felt like this girl related to me more than I knew.

"Eh. Hasn't crossed my mind"

I replied, looking sideways to take in her image. She had on a light blue tank top that fit perfectly over her boobs in my opinion, with a pair of short navy blue shorts. Her brown hair was billowed across her face but she didn't seem to care, she was just watching the last of the sunset fade away into oblivion.

"My name is Haylie Coleman. I'm from Washington but after my old man died a few years ago I left when I was eighteen "

Explained Haylie. I looked over at her with astonishment. I didn't think she'd tell me about her life, it seemed to bug her too much.

"I'm sorry"
Was all I could think to say. I didn't even know what to say to that.
Haylie just shrugged her shoulders like it was nothing ever important.

"It's ok. It happens"

She said, staring down at her nail polished feet. Her hair fell forward but even I could see she had a pained expression.

"Um... I uh, had a sister. We were only three days apart. She was twelve and I was to turn twelve in three days. She was walking home after school on her birthday, and uh, the cops say she was kidnapped and uh, um she was murdered. They found bits of her body places, enough to know she died"

Whispered Haylie, her voice getting lower as she spoke each word. She was still starring at her feet, refusing to look at me.

"That's why I hide behind the wig and fake piercings and makeup. We were twins and now every time I look in the mirror I see her. It's my fault for not walking with her that day. I was making out with my stupid boyfriend. She begged me to walk with her but I told her to buzz off. My last words to her. Buzz off. Then she's dead. But uh, that's why, Hemmings"

Explained Haylie with a chuckle. I knew this pained her but she tried to shrug it off like it was nothing.

We were both silent for a long time.

"I'm Luke Hemmings. I'm in a band that I kinda quit for the moment. I was married -"

"To Claire who was pregnet with your baby and then the baby died and then Claire got cancer. You flew to see her and get married before she died in your arms. I know. It was all over the news"

Chirped Haylie and I winced in pain. She had a way to rip off that bandage again.

"I'm not here for the pity party. Life sucks and I get that. I just wanted you to know something about me so I'm not a complete stranger"

Said Haylie and I just nodded my head silently. I thought I had it bad, her sister was murdered and she never got to say goodbye. Atleast I told Claire goodbye.

Haylie soon looked at me after the silence had got awkward. Her bright blue eyes searched my face before landing on my lips and looking up at my eyes again.

"Wanna get out of here?"
She teased, and I nodded my head.

I needed to be anywhere but here, thinking about Claire and the band and the boys, things that would never be the same.

And maybe some small part of me wanted to know more about Haylie. It seems she had been through a lot in life, more than me, and maybe I felt that being with her, I could finally move on.


Hey guys and gals!!! Soooo who do you think Luke will pick? Grace or Haylie!?!? And by the way, the whole sister dieing thing was an idea from the book "The Lovely Bones" By: Alice Sebhold. I highly recommend reading it if you haven't. But this chapter was just a filler. Any ideas because I dont know where I'm going with this book honestly lol.
I love you all!
Xx Becca

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