Wherever You Are

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Tatum POV

Everything was a blur, just this time in slow motion. I saw Claire's muddy brown eyes open and close, her chest falling up and down. Tears fell onto her brown hair, and splashed onto the pool of blood around her. Not again. They said she was fine. Des scurried around, tossing her brown and blue hair everywhere. She grabbed a phone, tears falling, and called 911. I stood their, watching my friend bleed. My best friend. I couldn't move. I was stuck in place. My breath hitched in my chest, making it hard to breath. Des ran infront of me, screaming through tears. I looked at her confused, lost. The door burst open then, and the Paramedics came, taking Claire's limp body on a stretcher, into their car. Des tugged me along, crying. Their was flashes of red and blue, the distant noise of the sirens. Des sat me in the car and began to drive, but I still sat, confused. After a few minutes of following the Paramedic vehicle, I began to cry. No, they said she was fine. I laided my head on the freezing window, seeing white materialize from the sky. It was snowing, it made me cry more. Once at the hospital, I willed myself to walk. Claire was fine. I prayed Aiden, was ok, too.

Luke POV

We were at the Airport, and I was fighting with the lady at the desk. "All flights are delayed?" I nearly screamed. The lady gave me a dead look, trying to calm me down. "Sir, there is a huge snow storm going on. It's not safe," she said, sighing. I walked away, tugging at my beanie. "Were snowed out," I said through tears. Ashton just gave a cheeky smile, sitting down impathintly. Michael walked up to.me, patting my back. "It's ok, mate. You will see Claire," he said, smileing. "No! I had something planned!" I yelled, sitting down, shaking my leg. Michael sighed, running a hand through his hair. Why today?

Claire's POV

I remember very little, just sirens and blackness. I woke up suddenly, seeing blood and nurses everywhere. I panicked, bolting up. Nurses pushed me down, pumping fluids into me. I screamed, getting concerned looks. My vision tunneled, and the rest was darkness.


I woke up to searing lights, and cringed. I looked up, feeling like hell. My body hurt, especially my stomache. I gasped, Aiden!! Tatum ran to my side, along with a teary eyed Des. Tatum tried not to cry, but she did. "What?" I croaked, my throat hurt. Tatum burst into tears, and walked away, her blonde pony tail swishing as she did. Des leaned close to me, something was wrong. "You lost Aiden," she said, and with.that, I cried.

Luke POV

I was half asleep when my phone buzzed. It scared me and I nearly dropped the small black box I held. It was Claire. "Hello?" I said grogily. Claire was crying, clearly upset. "What's wrong?" I asked, awake now. Claire sobbed more. "Your gone!" She yelled, and I heard Tatum in the back round. She was crying too. "I don't have you. I need you! I.. I lost Aiden," sobbed Claire. My heart froze. "What?" I asked, choking. "But your.. GONE! So how would you know!?" Asked Claire madly, sobbing more. "Babe, im on tour ," I said through tears. "Dont BABE me!!! Your gone! And.. Im done!" Exclaimed Claire, hiccuping. "With what?" I asked, sobbing. I got weird glances from others. Fuck off, I thought. "US!! How can I have a baby if your gone?!" She yelled. I cried more, tears streaming down my face. "But-" I started, Claire cutt me off. "No!! Im, Im done!" Claire sobbed, and I heard someone yell "Claire, thats a mistake!" But the line went dead. Sobbing, I put away the box that carried a sparkling diamind ring.

Author's note

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