Wrench x Reader (Watch_Dogs 2) (The Third One)

Start from the beginning

The two of you banter back and forth on the way to Prime_Eight's hideout, but when you arrive, you're in mission mode.

You tie your own bandana around your neck, pulling it up over your face, on it is the fox logo, one of your favorites. You don't really bother with sunglasses, making do with a hood pulled up. 

Unexpectedly, you and Marcus make it in without any problems, in fact, the router is sitting in the middle of the room. It's not very often that it's this easy.

"Isn't this a bit... suspicious?" You say, to the crew through your earpiece, "So easy..."

"Hey, take it as a win," Wrench says.

"All you have to do is install the USB and then I can get all their files," Josh says. You can hear keystrokes on the other side.

"Marcus, guard the door, I want to do this," You say, already in front of the router.

"You got it." He throws you the USB chip and stands at in front of the doors, making sure they're sealed shut.

Your earpiece buzzes in your ear. You know exactly who it is.

"Oh, hello, Lenni." You shove the chip into the port, "You'll never believe what I just got done doing."

"You bitch. Whaddya want? Money?"

"Seeing you defeated would be enough."

"Sorry, but that's not gonna happen, sweetcheeks," She taunts, tacking her signature cackle onto the end. You already know what's going to happen before the ticking starts.

"Marcus, get out, get out!" You urge him, as you start to run for the door. He's out, holding the door open for you, but it suddenly slams shut, against his will.

"No! Y/N!" Marcus shouts and starts pounding against the steel doors.

"Marcus!" You screech as you shoulder-check the door, arriving just a second too late, "Goddamnit, goddamnit!" You start punching the door as well, hitting and kicking with ticking in your ears. 

Bombs are going to go off. There are live bombs in this room. You are going to die. You are going to die.

You can't die.

You refuse to die without seeing Wrench's face, or at the very least, without telling him how you feel. 

So you stood up and wiped the tears you had barely registered were there. You couldn't hear anything in your earpiece besides ticking.

You couldn't hear Wrench's promise to help you.

It took Wrench five minutes to get there, he pulled some wild stunts all around the city and almost died about three times. But he didn't mind all that much. He arrived on a motorbike and didn't even bother slowing down until he nearly crashed halfway down the corridor, after which, he jumped off and started sprinting. There was the dead silence of concentration on your end, but Marcus could tell by the occasional sound that you were definitely alive in there. 

You were able to hack your way to the bombs, but from this point, you had no idea what to do. You used weapons, you didn't know shit about any of the technical stuff. 

Luckily, your savior had arrived, with panting breath. 

"Y/N!" The wonderfully robotic voice called, with a slight voice crack.

"Wrench!" You yelled, "Holy shit I'm so happy to hear your voice."

"Yeah, same." He was breathing heavy.

"L-Listen, I need your help, uh, how do I diffuse a bomb?" You said, glancing at the mess of wires to your right. You had pulled out all of the guts of the mechanism, but you didn't know what to do and the clock was ticking.

"Okay, start by telling me what you see."

"Uh, um, okay. There's, uh, God, there's... Blue, and green, and red, and then there's..." You listed the various patterns of wires and buttons, panicked, wishing that you could calm down.

"Okay, okay, you have something to cut the wires with, right?" Wrench asked through the door.

"Yeah, yeah," You pulled your handy pocket knife out of your pocket. Probably not the safest thing to use, but it worked, "Tell me what to do."

"Alright, cut the red wire," You do what he says, and breathe a sigh of relief when nothing happens, "Now... uh, okay, now," You could hear him start to panic, too, but he kept his anger at bay and continues, "Cut the yellow and green wire," you did, "Okay, now press the red button, and cut the blue." 

All of a sudden, the ticking stopped in your ears.

For a moment, a strong feeling of dread came over you. This is the end, you thought, I didn't make it in time.

Then a second passed. Two, three, five, ten seconds. 

You weren't dead.

You did it. 

Wrench did it.

The door opened.

Wrench ran in, and the moment you saw him, you jumped at him, clinging.

"Wrench, oh my God, Wrench," You sobbed into his sweater, and the two of you collapsed together, hugging on your knees, "I... I thought I'd never see you again a-and I... I was so s-scared and..." You dissolved into a weeping mess. Wrench just held you and didn't dare make a sound, because he was crying, too.

"I'll wait in the car," Marcus said before taking his leave.

 The only sound was of your muffled sobs, and a headache was already plaguing you.

"Wrench," Your voice croaked, you thought you sounded so pathetic, but you didn't care, and neither did Wrench, "I... I love you," you said it before you could think, "I love you so much."

Wrench hugged you tighter, "I love you too."

Then, he pulled back, let go, with your arms still around his waist, and took off his mask.

His eyes were as red as yours, and his tears were smudged.

"See, now, that's just not fair," You said, moving your arms from his waist to his neck, "You're not allowed to look better than me when crying." You smiled, and chuckled, breaking as you looked down.

"I beg to differ," He gently pushed your chin up with his index finger, letting you look at him, "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." You looked each other in the eyes, and you were both entranced, "Can I kiss you?" He asked.


The lead-up was slow. You savored every moment, and yet, you were still hungry for more. 

And then your lips met. He tasted like vanilla, sweet and pulling. You moved against each other, and then pulled back. 

You looked at him, he looked at you.

"We're such a mess," You commented, with a laugh.

He seemed pleased, "Yeah, we really are."

"It's the best, right?"

"Oh, yeah, definitely."

You kissed again, then slowly stood up. He fixed his mask back onto his face, you wiped your tears and took a breath.

He winked at you as he held out his hand, and you two walked out into the sun, finally together.

This was requested by bananaminion666 this was super fun to do, and sorry it's so late, my 16th birthday just passed lol so I had some party planning to do. I loved writing this, and I'm kinda proud of the end scene so I hope that you're happy with it. I don't really have much more to say besides thank you for reading.


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